July 10, 2012

Light and Energy Meditation Experience.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


 I have practiced meditation sporadically for the last 5 years. I was instructed in mindful meditation and it has been enriching. However I had one experience that I have not been able to understand. Three years ago (The night after I saw you speak in Madison WI) I sat and practiced meditation and I felt something notably different than any other state that I had ever experienced. My eyes were closed but I saw bright white light and my vision no longer seemed directional. My body also felt different, it felt light and charged with vitality, and my chest felt swollen and excited, but this was all in the background of my perception. As soon as I felt my brain begin to become self-aware of this state it ended and I was left with a warm hum in my body. I have thought about it a lot since and I have begun to miss it, I felt boundless. Where was I? How did I go there?


That is a very profound and real spiritual experience of your true nature. You “went there” by taking your attention from the active state of the mind to its quiet source in pure consciousness. The ancient sages describe this reality as unbounded awareness, infinite energy, intelligence and light. That is why your body felt light and energized and why your vision was omnidirectional. There is a phrase in South India that speaks of this experience: “when the body becomes all eyes.” This inner state of reality is always there operating at your core level of existence. Once your body is able to sustain this state at all times, you will be enlightened, or filled with the light of your own self-realization.


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  1. taylor

    I experienced this last night. it started as a spot and the enveloped my entire 'vision' (my eyes were closed). I felt what you experienced a burst of comforting excitement. but once I internalized the experience, it was gone and I just felt happy and light and excited.

  2. taylor

    I experienced this last night. it started as a spot and the enveloped my entire 'vision' (my eyes were closed). I felt what you experienced a burst of comforting excitement. but once I internalized the experience, it was gone and I just felt happy and light and excited.

  3. Miranda119

    This happened spontaneously for me in the early AM right before I awoke and opened my eyes. I never meditated or tried to have this experience. It came naturally as I was coming into my own...being enlightened spiritually. As this light got ever closer in my minds eye, my body/energy vibrated at increasing levels. I experienced total Bliss. I was afraid of the full effect I assume, I knew it would get ever more powerful, so I cut it off by sitting up and opening my eyes. I had the feeling there was going to be an explosion of sorts within me. A wonderful one...but one where my entire body would be locked into it and I was going to experience something extremely mind blowing. To this day I wish I would have let it go full force. I wasn`t "afraid" of it per se` but I guess I didn`t know if I could handle the full effect and intensity, since it had never happened to me before. This allowing would have required relinquishing control... and at that time...I decided not to allow it completely. After I sat up in bed my entire body vibrated at a very high rate for at least 5 minutes...dying down slowly. Especially my hands were energized. The effects though, lasted quite a while. I will never forget it.

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