May 9, 2012
Deepak in the News

Who Is God?.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

Originally published by the DailyBhakstar

Explaining who God is, motivational speaker, Deepak Chopra says as soon as we define God we limit God. God is the ultimate mystery that we cannot define. God is our highest potential to know ourselves and the end goal of our seeking. It can be infinite potential, creativity, love, compassion among many other things. God is the universe in manifestation.

Can we experience God personally? As soon as we define God we limit God. God is the ultimate mystery that we cannot define. God is our highest potential to know ourselves and the end goal of our seeking. It can be infinite potential, creativity, love, compassion among many other things. God is the universe in manifestation. 

Write Your Comment

  1. motivation

    God is a humorist who is constantly amused at all the things that he has created...the laughter, the sorrow, the mysteries, the miseries amongst others. He is a toy maker who shuffles, shoves, plays about with all his toys. He is a child playing with his clay kit...making and remaking all his creations. In short...He is everything and He is in everything.

  2. yajnesa

    Adhato Brahma Jijnasah Necessity- Search in-depth. Science in Philosophy One should not make fundamental mistake-pseudonym like God Particle Cosmology vedas Interlinks

  3. heartphone

    I stick with my own explanation, God is divinity in motion, always moving, always still, God is manifestation, at will.......

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