June 1, 2019
Deepak in the News

Deepak Chopra: The Best Companies in America all Have One Thing in Common.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

Tech companies may have reshaped society over the past several decades, but their company cultures aren’t always as revolutionary as the products they make.

Wellness guru Deepak Chopra is part of a movement to change the way we think about company culture. Chopra is a co-founder and board member of JUST Capital, a non-profit organization dedicated to educating consumers about how companies align with their values on worker health, business practices and ethical conduct.

Chopra co-founded the organization in 2013 with a group that includes Paul Tudor Jones, Rinaldo Brutoco, Arianna Huffington and Paul Scialla.

JUST Capital releases rankings of America’s best companies every year based on polling across the entire U.S. Tech giants Microsoft and Intel topped the 2018 rankings. Both companies performed above the industry’s average in worker compensation, retirement benefits, engagement with the consumer and community, and environmental impact.

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