December 14, 2018
Deepak in the News

Use technology to create a more just and peaceful world.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

If you ask Deepak Chopra what the world needs, you might be surprised what he says:  “We need technology to rewire the global brain. The internet is the global brain,” he said.

That’s not quite the sentiment one might expect from a renowned spiritual guru. But as he explained in a recent visit to USA TODAY with tech columnist Ed Baig, “If you want to know the human condition, go to the internet – divine and diabolical, sacred and profane, it’s all there.” 

But before you go delving too deeply into the internet for more on the human condition, you might want to take a deep breath. 

That’s something Chopra, who has authored 88 books, can now help you with through your home’s Amazon Echo speaker, with the help of voice assistant Alexa. The goal of his “Daily Reflections,” in partnership with LivePerson Studios, is to help you begin your day relaxed and end it with “peaceful gratefulness.”


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  1. Kuldip Kawatra

    This is a new knowledge source for me. Lots to learn from the legend 'Deepk Chopra

  2. Kuldip Kawatra

    This is a new knowledge source for me. Lots to learn from the legend 'Deepk Chopra

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