August 5, 2014
Deepak in the News

Success Without Struggle – Seven Key to Doing Less and Having More.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

Deepak Chopra and The Chopra Center will be hosting a brand new, never before offered teleseminar called Success without Struggle: 7 Keys to Doing Less and Having More.

This is an opportunity to join me and thousands from around the globe to explore how the epidemic of stress and struggle are robbing us from the joyfilled, successful lives we were meant to live–register here:

During our time together we will look at a completely different approach to getting what you want out of life with less struggle and more ease.

Join me and discover how to:
Achieve more in your life with astonishing speed and ease – using 7 powerful principles for effortless success.

Let go of your anxiety-based overwork – and experience the profound sense of wellbeing that comes from doing less and having more.

Navigate setbacks in life – with easy-to-master techniques to keep cultivating the life you want even in the face of uncertainty or failure.

Reserve your spot now!

Write Your Comment

  1. Myra

    Is it possible to download Success without Struggle? I registered but did not get a reminder for June 3rd and so of course, missed it - my fault!

  2. Myra

    Is it possible to download Success without Struggle? I registered but did not get a reminder for June 3rd and so of course, missed it - my fault!

  3. Leah

    Hi there Has a recording been posted anywhere that anybody may view/hear? Thank you in advance.

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