Remembering My Friend and Sister, Debbie Ford..
When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.
It is with deep sorrow that I share with all of you the news of Debbie Ford’s passing. Debbie and her sister, Arielle, have been a part of my family for over 20 years. We have shared together much of our growth – our joys and our sorrows.
Needless to say, Debbie will live on as part of us for the time remaining for us, and live on in all of you who benefited from her wisdom, love, compassion and desire to elevate the lives of everyone she touched. Debbie was very brave in the handling of her illness, a rare form of Sarcoma. Even in her passing she sent us intimate messages and told us to celebrate her life. In that spirit, even as we grieve, we will celebrate every moment we shared with her.
With love and gratitude for the love we all share
You can visit Remembering Debbie Ford to share your memories of Debbie
I am sending my love and gratitude to Debbie. She halve helped me through difficult times of my life. May she be dancing at the sound of the unique music resulting from her kindness and love shared with all of us through her beautiful mission on this planet!!
Sorry in the previous was a mistake. We are sending love and light to Debbie and her family. Thank you for all your work you share with us!!!! Renate and Peter
We are sending love 6 light to Debbie and her family. Thank you for all your work you share with us!!!!