January 12, 2012
Deepak in the News

Huffington Post introduces Good News.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

Huffington Post announced the launch of Good News, a new section that will shine a much-needed spotlight on what's inspiring, what's positive, what's working — and what's missing from what most of the media chooses to cover.

Good News will feature Huffington Post's signature group blog, and our lineup of bloggers starts with Desmond Tutu, who movingly recalls the struggle to end apartheid: "We were always upheld and strengthened by the good news of those whose actions reminded us that we are each God's partners in a love and justice that includes all." There's Deepak Chopra, who takes a glass-half-full approach to some of the world's most devastating crises with an eye toward identifying solutions; Soleil Moon Frye, on good news out of Haiti, which was devastated by an earthquake two years ago today; and an exclusive video and post from Incubus singer Brandon Boyd on how art can spur environmental activism.

Read more at Huffington Post.

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  1. heartphone

    There is an old saying in Dutch conveying what really IS the function of communication: "Ter lering ende vermaeck", in English: "to learn and to be amused". When I started my website years back this became my slogan. And up till now it really contains news to learn from and to be amused with. Even if no-one reads it but me, it is uplifting to see, how my own positivity has been able to lead me to the realization of being happy....

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