March 23, 2017

Yogi Life.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I have a question that I might need your advice/suggestion to move ahead in life and it seems like I am stuck at a point where I am not able to make a decision.
I am 29 years old and, am at a point where I am so ready to start a married life. But my inner-self repeatedly tells me that I should live life of a yogi and complete the journey I am on for the past few lives “Obtain/search for enlightenment”. Now I cannot ignore my inner sound. Also wonder that I might be all alone for the rest of my life. I am very confused at this point; cause any/either decision reflects the life ahead of me. Please guide me in the light of your knowledge. I will be looking forward to hear your sincere guidance/advise.


The fear that you will be alone for the rest of your life is an idle fear, pay no attention to it. If you have a strong calling to focus on your spiritual practices alone right now, then I would encourage you to follow that. There will be time later for family life if that is what you want. If you listen to what your heart tells you, then you will find that the timings and details of life will unfold gracefully at the right time.



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  1. Rodrigo Ramos

    Lahiri Mahasaya was a family man and I think it was not a problem.

  2. Rodrigo Ramos

    Lahiri Mahasaya was a family man and I think it was not a problem.

  3. Rodrigo Ramos

    Lahiri Mahasaya was a family man and I think it was not a problem.

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