October 9, 2015

Vegetarian or Not.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dear Deepak,

I am vegetarian by diet, your statement ” in 3 weeks a quadrillion atoms has gone through your body that has also gone through living body of every living species on this planet” so am I vegetarian or non-vegetarian?


You are a vegetarian. The recycling and exchange of atoms in our physical bodies occurs through breathing and drinking as much as through digesting food. Furthermore, the exchange of atoms is with living and non-living organisms, so you can’t really say that as you replace atoms you are killing anyone or anything.



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  1. Hilda Angelica Diaz

    Can the Sturge Webber Syndrome be a factor when I started a meditacion session? My mind endlessly won't stop! Thanks! Namaste.

  2. Hilda Angelica Diaz

    Can the Sturge Webber Syndrome be a factor when I started a meditacion session? My mind endlessly won't stop! Thanks! Namaste.

  3. Hilda Angelica Diaz

    Can the Sturge Webber Syndrome be a factor when I started a meditacion session? My mind endlessly won't stop! Thanks! Namaste.

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