November 22, 2013

Vegan Diet.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dear Deepak, What are your thoughts about Vegan nutrition? On the long term, is it okay for babies, young children, and adults of all ages? In our culture, the medical and collective conviction about deficiencies are so present. Are these concerns justified? And what if someone cannot eat soya? I take this opportunity to thank you for your precious healing and teaching work.


With a vegan diet you still need to ensure that you are eating a balanced diet that provides your nutritional needs, but that really isn’t difficult. In practice, vegans usually eat fresher foods that are less processed, so they consume less sugar, trans fats and empty carbohydrates, and this is a big improvement over the typical Western diet. Also, the attention they bring to eating means that they are more likely to be conscious eaters and in touch with their body’s natural signals of hunger and satiation. In What Are You Hungry For, I write about has listening to these signals about what you actually desire is a more important standard for healthy eating than any specific diet you may follow.


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  1. Brad Mayeux

    its not uncommon for adult males to be high in iron so, i9 dont know where you get this. and ,, as mentioned vitamin D comes from either the sun, fish, or fortified in milk. i get plenty sun and plenty iron. and calcium is better absorbed from things like leafy greens. bok choy, kale... Soy is very high also they are a much better source than milk or meat. Calcium is nothing without its sister mineral, magnesium and this should come as no surprise that approximately 75% of Americans are deficient in magnesium. Magnesium aids the absorption of calcium into the bone and cow’s milk by itself does not have enough magnesium to support its calcium, which causes excessive calcium to accumulate in the body. This in turn can lead to the development of harmful calcium deposits in our joints, kidneys and under the skin.

  2. David

    I forgot to mention protein. Pound for pound, broccoli has more protein than animal products. Other veggies, beans, nuts, and seeds are all high in protein. Plant based protein is alkaline, while animal protein is very acidic, killing off calcium, affecting all tissue, including arteries, and the entire endocrinological system. Calories can indeed be a problem on a vegan diet, especially for kids, but, balancing takes care of that. Eating just fruit and veggies would be too low in most cases. Adding nuts and seeds is a great way to add calories to the diet. Meat is not the best thing for us, and dairy is quite bad for us. Just as FYI

  3. David

    Muriel, who just finished studies in nutrition and dietetics, has more to learn. There is much propaganda taught in schools, which I will cover. She said "the vegan diet needs to be really well balanced". Well, so does an omnivorous diet. And, the nutrients? Iron - Heme iron in animal products is not regulated by humans. While it is slightly better absorbed than non heme iron (in plants), it`s not regulated as our body needs it. Therefore, our iron levels at most times is too high, or too low, depending on the frequency of consumption of the animal products. Non heme iron from plants is regulated and utilized exactly how and when we need it. The heme iron in animal products, when too high in our system, is toxic. Do I need to explain what toxicity does to us? Humans get calcium deficiency from different things, but a vegan diet with leafy greens is not one of them. In fact, dairy is one of the biggest causes of calcium deficiency and osteoporosis. Just research dairy consumption by country, and osteoporosis. Green leafy veggies and beans are very high in calcium, not to mention the good form of iron. Vitamin D is best from the sun. Also, when looking at nutrients, it`s extremely important to look at how well we utilize the ones we consume. This involves looking at the digestive tract, most importantly the tissue of the gut, and the microbiota. Plant foods, especially raw ones, add to the population of microbiota (good bacteria) in the gut. The vast majority of people walking around are deficient in good bacteria, which is a major cause of disease. No offense, Muriel, but what you were taught is quite inaccurate. It`s important to eat no processed foods, either way. A well balanced diet of veggies, fruit, nuts, and seeds, is a very healthy diet for a human at any age, just as the American Dietician Association proved and claims.

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