April 15, 2016



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


First, let me thank you for writing the 7 Spiritual Laws of Success.  I read it every day, and now over a few months it has become as much as part of my morning activities as having coffee.  It has also helped me immensely, and I constantly draw new insights from its message.  Thank you!

There’s one question I have that I hoped you might shed some more light on.  In the Law of Detachment, you discuss the concept of “uncertainty.”  I understand what you are saying intellectually, though I perhaps have more of a challenge embracing it emotionally, although I have to some degree.  I suppose that the connotations of the word are still something I have to change for myself.  I guess what I’m asking is how one can become more “certain” about uncertainty?  One thing I have learned is that flexibility and a knowledge born of trust of the Self has helped.  Where I get stuck is in the “free-wheelingness,” if you will.  Is meditation the only solution to this?  Are there other ways to master the concept of uncertainty?  Any insights and suggestions would be most appreciated.


The ego believes that if it knows what is going to happen, then it has control. It likes to feel in control because it then it believes it will feel safe and powerful. But in fact, the ego cannot be certain what is going to happen. It can only project forward based upon past conditioning. The wisdom of uncertainty lies in the recognition that the ego really can’t know the future. Furthermore, the compulsion to know what is going to happen based upon the past, effectively limits your ability to create the most appropriate present out of the field of all possibilities. Meditation is central to that ability this ability to remain fresh and open to a reality that is not simply a replaying of past experience, but also seeing uncertainty as a positive quality is important as well. Not having a certainty and agenda for how things must turn out, allows you to develop a genuine sense of ease and security based upon your connection to the universe. It frees you up to appreciate and feel grateful for what is around you right now, instead of trying to make it something else. And it makes life more interesting and fun when you allow yourself to participate in the every-unfolding wonder of creation.



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  1. Spell Checcker

    I'm not going to have the right words for this, but I would like you to post an Ask Deepak response you posted within the last few weeks about manifesting intention. You write that you need to access the pure consciousness where intention is planted. I know you write about it often, but you said it so well in that particular response. The process described was clear, and so was the point that pure consciousness is necessary for the process. I hope that makes sense. Thanks.

  2. Spell Checcker

    I'm not going to have the right words for this, but I would like you to post an Ask Deepak response you posted within the last few weeks about manifesting intention. You write that you need to access the pure consciousness where intention is planted. I know you write about it often, but you said it so well in that particular response. The process described was clear, and so was the point that pure consciousness is necessary for the process. I hope that makes sense. Thanks.

  3. Spell Checcker

    I'm not going to have the right words for this, but I would like you to post an Ask Deepak response you posted within the last few weeks about manifesting intention. You write that you need to access the pure consciousness where intention is planted. I know you write about it often, but you said it so well in that particular response. The process described was clear, and so was the point that pure consciousness is necessary for the process. I hope that makes sense. Thanks.

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