April 24, 2012

Truth and Religion.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I'm 19 years old and have been a Catholic/Christian my whole life but as of late I've been questioning my faith. I've read a good number of your books including your depictions of Jesus and Buddha and both of those have really helped my focus on my spirituality. In doing so, I question has arisen in my thinking and may also be a little Christian and Buddhist influenced; If God is Just, Caring, Loving, Understanding, etc. why does being a part of a specific religion influence whether you're going to heaven or hell? Christians believe that in order to be accepted into heaven you have to become a Born-Again Christian. From what i know about Buddhism, it's about achieving inner peace within yourself, in turn the earth, and coming to terms with your soul. So what happens to people who aren't Born Agains and can't achieve the inner peace to realize that the bigger picture is out there? Do Jews and Atheists just fall into hell because they're not Born -Agains? And this even works both ways with most religions, they either ask people to convert or to accept what’s happening around them. So where is the actual truth? I'm having a hard time looking through the politics of my question and needed some insight into this. I believe throughout every religion there is an ounce of truth that can be used for the tons. I just don't understand how a specific religion can be favored into heaven; It seems counter-intuitive for what God offers to us and the gifts he's already given.


God doesn’t care whether someone is a Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jew, Muslim or atheist. These are all belief systems and concepts about reality, not the reality itself. To discover the truth yourself firsthand, you need to delve deep into your own existence and discover your core consciousness. That knowledge is beyond dogma, belief, or intellectual understanding. That awakening to self-realization is the only real spiritual rebirth and salvation, and it is not restricted to any religion or culture.


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  1. Someone

    Off topic, I saw one of your video, in which you said, "we are constantly changing. So we are not our body, mind, etc. We are soul which doesn't change." I disagree with it. In my view, we are also constantly changing. I am not the same person which was 10 years back. My friend met accident and sadly it was brain injury. He was changed after accident. He became foolish, behaves abnormally. I will call he is changed. Do you call him same person?In super genes, you yourself said, we can improve ourselves through good diet, way of living, etc...So improvement is changed. So we can be changed.

  2. Someone

    Off topic, I saw one of your video, in which you said, "we are constantly changing. So we are not our body, mind, etc. We are soul which doesn't change." I disagree with it. In my view, we are also constantly changing. I am not the same person which was 10 years back. My friend met accident and sadly it was brain injury. He was changed after accident. He became foolish, behaves abnormally. I will call he is changed. Do you call him same person?In super genes, you yourself said, we can improve ourselves through good diet, way of living, etc...So improvement is changed. So we can be changed.

  3. Someone

    Off topic, I saw one of your video, in which you said, "we are constantly changing. So we are not our body, mind, etc. We are soul which doesn't change." I disagree with it. In my view, we are also constantly changing. I am not the same person which was 10 years back. My friend met accident and sadly it was brain injury. He was changed after accident. He became foolish, behaves abnormally. I will call he is changed. Do you call him same person?In super genes, you yourself said, we can improve ourselves through good diet, way of living, etc...So improvement is changed. So we can be changed.

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