March 11, 2017

Tired Soul.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Can you please inform me on what a person can do when his soul is tired?  I feel tired of living this life.  I’m tired of playing this cruel game of “creating”.  All of this “you must feel happy and be happy” in order to get happy. If you don’t “be happy”, then happiness doesn’t happen for you, you just keep creating what you feel.  How in the hell can you feel happy and be happy when you’re miserable?  Should we fake it?  But then our minds know that we’re faking it and it still does not work.

Life seems to be a vicious cycle and a crazy roller coaster ride that I don’t like at all. I know that some of you think that life is great but I think that it sucks and if I chose this, then I don’t know what in the hell kind of soul I have.  What kind of soul would choose such awfulness and have no way out? Anyway, my question is:  What do you do when your mind, body, and soul is tired and no longer wants to play this game?


It’s obvious that you are feeling frustrated, but I believe you are mistaken in your conclusions. No one is asking you to try to be happy or play a game. If you feel that life is miserable, ask yourself who inside you is having that experience. You are that experiencer and not the experience of misery. The soul is the uninvolved witness to the experiences in your life. It is neither miserable or happy, tired or energetic. Creating is a natural outcome of simply being alive, it is not a cruel game. The situations you find yourself in life, are not chosen in the conventional sense of the word. They are magnetized to you because they offer the necessary circumstances for your growth, and those requirements are determined by the actions and decisions you have made in the past. If you want off the roller coaster, then get to know your inner self. The priority is to authentically be what you truly are, whatever action and behavior follows from that will be easy and natural.



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  1. STAR MD

    Excellent article.. how i relate! what i have discovered for myself is that ive been doing an awfull lot of running away while simultaneously asking to wake up.. now that ive made the decision to reach my soul, the process. of learning to stay with it. has been nothing short of challenging. the journey to remain aware and redirect in as many moments as possible . to keep coming back to being a witness. rather than a participator.. to keep asking the misery who is experiencing this misery or pain or abandonment or restlessness or whatever uncomfortableness that is arising. i totally understand the importance to step out of the misery turn around to face it, and ask who is expereincing this.. its a wonder to watch it melt away.. so very very gratefull. to be learning how Inner One works.. not! easy, but. absolutly. important. for a life of happiness.. please good luck to you, im right there with you, getting to know the Inner Self..

  2. STAR MD

    Excellent article.. how i relate! what i have discovered for myself is that ive been doing an awfull lot of running away while simultaneously asking to wake up.. now that ive made the decision to reach my soul, the process. of learning to stay with it. has been nothing short of challenging. the journey to remain aware and redirect in as many moments as possible . to keep coming back to being a witness. rather than a participator.. to keep asking the misery who is experiencing this misery or pain or abandonment or restlessness or whatever uncomfortableness that is arising. i totally understand the importance to step out of the misery turn around to face it, and ask who is expereincing this.. its a wonder to watch it melt away.. so very very gratefull. to be learning how Inner One works.. not! easy, but. absolutly. important. for a life of happiness.. please good luck to you, im right there with you, getting to know the Inner Self..

  3. STAR MD

    Excellent article.. how i relate! what i have discovered for myself is that ive been doing an awfull lot of running away while simultaneously asking to wake up.. now that ive made the decision to reach my soul, the process. of learning to stay with it. has been nothing short of challenging. the journey to remain aware and redirect in as many moments as possible . to keep coming back to being a witness. rather than a participator.. to keep asking the misery who is experiencing this misery or pain or abandonment or restlessness or whatever uncomfortableness that is arising. i totally understand the importance to step out of the misery turn around to face it, and ask who is expereincing this.. its a wonder to watch it melt away.. so very very gratefull. to be learning how Inner One works.. not! easy, but. absolutly. important. for a life of happiness.. please good luck to you, im right there with you, getting to know the Inner Self..

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