October 9, 2020
Ask Deepak

Time of Death.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Hi Deepak, I am truly a tremendous fan of yours!  My question which I already asked you several years ago and would still love to hear the answer is: Can we determine our time of death or is it already predetermined. According to David Hawkin’s interpretation is that we cannot change our time of death because it is already set and no matter what you do cannot change this. I personally feel we can because we can change our Karma through awareness which will influence our next Karmic episode.


The ancient sages of India would say that we set our own time of our death, that is to say the intelligence of our soul  determines our lifespan when it organizes the karmic layout of a birth. Still, the enlightened will agree with you that since karma is changeable from the deepest levels of consciousness, it is possible to modify the contract if you know how to do it. But even on the more mundane level of willpower  and  in exigent circumstances there can be a certain amount of wiggle room in the actual time of death.



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