The World as Reflection of the Self.
When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.
If the external world is a reflection or extension of who I am, how is it that the 'me' at the center or core is whole and perfect when there are a lot of terrible and cruel things that happen in the world? Is it that the external world AND the self which it reflects are both separate from the 'me' that is experiencing? Just had this bubble of a question while relaxing and reflecting. Thank you for all your guidance.
A diamond can be pure and perfect even though the light that is reflected by its facets is colored and fragmented. In our world, the purity of our higher self is a work in progress, and the awful events we see projected around us tell us what awakening or self-realization we still need to attain. In Vedanta, this is the individual limited self, or jiva, knowing its true status as pure consciousness, or Atman. When enough people become enlightened, then the outer projections in the world will change to reflect that.
Enlightenment, yes it may happen in your life but it all depends on where you live, whether your basic needs are met, and experience through the several stages of life before enlightenment can settle in completely. Even Einstein was an old man before he surrendered to his own theory.............
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