May 24, 2015

The Soul.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


 What exactly is the soul? The soul has been described as essentially, an individuated expression of the Universe, or the Source, but my question is: If the Soul is unlimited and infinite and has no boundaries, then how is it an individuated aspect? I mean it is exactly as the Universe which would imply it is one with everything, and therefore has no distinction from anything else. If comparing to a drop of water to the ocean, although the drop and the ocean both have all the same properties but are different, the drop compared to the ocean still has obvious and determinable boundaries, and size. I’ve been trying to think of a metaphor to explain how the Soul could be the Same as the Universe, yet still be individuated, what do you think?

Thank You.


In Vedanta, the highest expression of the soul is called atman. It is consciousness as pure individuality. With full awakening, this atman is directly known to be the essence of universal existence. This is conveyed in the teaching Aham Brahmasmi—I am Brahman. So how can individuality be universality? Think of your atman as a kind of whirlpool of water in a river. This whirlpool has a kind of center to it that allows you to conceive of it as a separate individual entity, with a center of perspective and action.  That is the sense of individuality of the atman. From another point of view, the whirlpool is just the river, it is only a modulation of the water. There is no real boundary where the whirlpool begins or ends, it is all just one river with apparently separate and individual whirlpools. With self-realization, we recognize that the modulation of our consciousness that we call “I” or atman, is really just a perspective of the wholeness of consciousness, and that in truth, our consciousness is the same as universal consciousness.



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  1. Suresh Sukumaran

    We should firstly become aware about Objectivity as well as Subjectivity. All Pervasive Intangibility Of Eternal Pure Consciousness is our inner Substratum. Objectivity & Godhood are two sides of the same coin.When one side of Objectivity gets reversed with the inward withdrawal of our 5 senses, then the other side is simply Godhood . Now Science is the Observation Post of objective compartmentalisation over the All Pervasive Eternity of Pure Consciousness. Now Vital Force manifestation from bacteria to man continued along [Eating,Sleeping,,Mating, birth / death cycle], undeterred upto man.Liberation from this manifestation cycle is possible only for man.By destroying these components of the rebirth cycle only Man could get liberated ! Here, instead of beating around the bush with excuses the sincerest self efforts of our own EGO,[time immemorially formed] towards happening of 100 % CELIBACY is the only way out ! In this context, The Mystical Kundalini Awakening becomes meaningful . This is Subtle .So could be viewed only from a subjective perspective. Objective approach won’t help us to proceed any further beyond this stage of No – Ego – Zone of Non Dual Truth,I am Pure Consciousness.

  2. Suresh Sukumaran

    We should firstly become aware about Objectivity as well as Subjectivity. All Pervasive Intangibility Of Eternal Pure Consciousness is our inner Substratum. Objectivity & Godhood are two sides of the same coin.When one side of Objectivity gets reversed with the inward withdrawal of our 5 senses, then the other side is simply Godhood . Now Science is the Observation Post of objective compartmentalisation over the All Pervasive Eternity of Pure Consciousness. Now Vital Force manifestation from bacteria to man continued along [Eating,Sleeping,,Mating, birth / death cycle], undeterred upto man.Liberation from this manifestation cycle is possible only for man.By destroying these components of the rebirth cycle only Man could get liberated ! Here, instead of beating around the bush with excuses the sincerest self efforts of our own EGO,[time immemorially formed] towards happening of 100 % CELIBACY is the only way out ! In this context, The Mystical Kundalini Awakening becomes meaningful . This is Subtle .So could be viewed only from a subjective perspective. Objective approach won’t help us to proceed any further beyond this stage of No – Ego – Zone of Non Dual Truth,I am Pure Consciousness.

  3. Nina Becker

    Love it!

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