August 5, 2015

The Nature of God.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


My wife sees God like a parent, but I feel that God is like life itself, indifferent, and actually very un-parent like. Is there a being or force like my wife thinks of God, or is God more like life, indifferent and leaving the responsibilities of our survival and dreams up to us?


God is the representation of universal intelligence at the core of our Being.  That force of life is your inner force of life, that is your own pure consciousness. We can relate to that presence of awareness anyway we like, it does not change the character of that force of intelligence in any way.  

However, if you take a stance of indifference toward your own inner awareness, you will probably feel more alone and powerless in the world.



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  1. Donald L. Smith

    I have studied most of the religions of the world, and have come to the same presept of what God, or Universal Consciousness is to be. And have tried spreading the same word, glad to see that your on the same page. Have come to the same understanding that we all are connected, we're all just to caught up in the burdens of everyday living, that we never take the time to get in tune with our true selves. Thank you for confirming by beliefs.

  2. Donald L. Smith

    I have studied most of the religions of the world, and have come to the same presept of what God, or Universal Consciousness is to be. And have tried spreading the same word, glad to see that your on the same page. Have come to the same understanding that we all are connected, we're all just to caught up in the burdens of everyday living, that we never take the time to get in tune with our true selves. Thank you for confirming by beliefs.

  3. heartphone

    @Zenchicenter311: That's why children have an imaginary friend in the form of a doll, a bear or just a piece of cotton or whatever they are attaching themselves too, so to reassure themselves of this inner knowing. I remember my daughter lost her special friend in a zoo. We went back to look for it, couldn't find it anymore. It could hardly be replaced :) I received a special gift when I was 34 and there isn't a moment that I am not grateful for this revival of my child(ish) certainty. It is good to say hi and thank it for the prosperity it brought me. What a fulfilling life!!

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