October 24, 2024
Ask Deepak

Can the future be predicted?.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


“I have a question about psychic abilities. 

I recently had a reading done by a woman who claimed to be a psychic. 

I usually don’t do these kinds of things – my theory is that while there are people in the world that can see into others’ lives and feel energies and events around someone, I don’t know that anyone is able to actually predict the future. 

But I have been feeling somewhat sad and bored with my life lately, and I guess I just wanted to hear someone say it would change.

The reading wasn’t exactly what I was hoping for – in fact, her prediction of events in the future was fairly depressing. 

My question is – can anyone ever really see the future? 

And if so, does that mean that the future is already decided and can’t be changed?”


The best one can do is predict the probability or likelihood of something happening. 

But there is always the factor of free will that must be accounted for.



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