May 17, 2012

The Highest Truth.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

Love is without agenda and therefore the highest truth.

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  1. Sal N Chrissy Simonelli

    Loves only agenda is love in action, to is the virtue from which All virtue flows, the Ultimate Healer, the Ultimate Teacher, and the goal of life on this Earth in which all Being is united. I am love sometimes, you are love sometimes, God is Love all the time. Keep loved and loving....

  2. heartphone

    Love Is....... tip toing on endless spirals of on going knowing of the fullness in the emptiness, the no thing, inspiring some thing surprising, mesmerizing, pulsating in and out of existence, finding a natural balance in this rythm of cadence: Love Is......

  3. Prime Ambition

    So true!

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