April 19, 2019

Taking a Chance.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


For the moment I´m totally lost and confused and it causes me daily feelings of stress, anxiety, headache and stomach pain.

I am in a situation regarding job and place of living that I have to change and now an opportunity for that might have come. But the problem is that I don´t know if the timing is right or not, I have
longed for this opportunity to come, but now I am extremely scared. The problem I have is that I don´t know if I have these tough feelings because the timing is not right (if I have to prepare more, or if that is
not the right place to live),if I am just scared of change and uncertainty regarding money (I have to give up a good salary for not knowing if I will have any money), or if I´m afraid to know what I really feel since my opinion might be in conflict with others.

Stress, feelings and thoughts are whirling around so much in my body that I can´t even feel or think clearly. I have a healthy, regular lifestyle and also meditate twice a day. Right now I feel this is what makes me keep my head above the water line, otherwise I think I would freak out. But even if my meditation practice works well and I find peace, I don´t find the answers of what is right to do and how to handle my feelings and fears, and how to sort out what is what, what is fear and what is my honest will. Do you have any suggestions on how to do that, how to go on?
I would appreciate any answer a lot.


Sometimes attempting to find peace by trying to figure out the “right” thing to do only feeds your anxiety because there is never enough information or assurance for the ego to be sure it is doing the right thing. 

Ask yourself if you would still be anxious about this move even if your money and job situation was more secure. If not, then do what you can to try to line up something before the move. However, if you would be just as nervous about this move regardless of the circumstances, then you need to recognize that you won’t be able to judge the right timing of your move by your level of calm you feel.

You said that this opportunity to move is something that you have been longing for a long time. That tells me that your desire has orchestrating for this possibility to happen. When these openings come along, they rarely have all the details in place, and it is up to you to take a chance and walk through the opening and then make the rest of it happen. If you wait until everything is easy and risk-free, then you never get a chance to grow and exercise your creative power.



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  1. Alena Adamkova

    Probably you are in the gap between "living now (with all nice things like meditation,love, relationships etc)...and "living in future" (with some problems about success)...You do both...You live in now, sometimes you live in future...which causes chaos...but lot of people do it today. You want to choose between love and financial independence....but both may come easily, if we dont take everything too seriously, or if we are not too obsessed of the material stuff and relationships. Sometimes I feel this chaos of informations too. Its your growing. The best things are always very simple.

  2. Alena Adamkova

    Probably you are in the gap between "living now (with all nice things like meditation,love, relationships etc)...and "living in future" (with some problems about success)...You do both...You live in now, sometimes you live in future...which causes chaos...but lot of people do it today. You want to choose between love and financial independence....but both may come easily, if we dont take everything too seriously, or if we are not too obsessed of the material stuff and relationships. Sometimes I feel this chaos of informations too. Its your growing. The best things are always very simple.

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