December 23, 2017



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.



How do we know what the coincidences or synchronicities actual mean when they occur in our lives? 

 A sort of pesty client called me at work one day about 6 months ago and told me she met a great guy she thought I would like and I had to meet him.

I was with a client and conveyed a “thanks but no thanks.”  The next day she called again and told me his name and that I had to meet him.

Coincidentally his name was the same name of a guy I have been in a difficult relationship with which she did not know about none the less she was speaking of the same person I am currently in relationship with.  She walked into his place of business a few miles from mine and chatted with him a while then decided he was perfect for me.  It was so bizarre to me that out of all the people she walks into for me she randomly picks the guy I have been with for some time now

He is currently divorcing with children and I don’t think our relationship can weather the storm. His connection with me has been very unique.  We call each other at the same time.  Respond to each other through our thoughts and I genuinely acknowledge a past connection with him.  I wanted more than anything to share a life with this person but I don’t think the timing is right and I have spent a long time trying to separate myself and move on from him.  If everything means something does this mean I am supposed to stick this out and give our relationship more time, how do we know what these things mean?



There is no special de-coder ring to reveal the significance of each synchronicity in your life. You need to apply intuition, lateral thinking and common sense as you see fit. In the example of a client trying to set you up with the man you are currently trying to separate from, I think it is practical to emphasize common sense here. This client suggested this guy without knowing much about you or him. You already know you have a strong connection with him, so it’s not altogether surprising that that another instance of that would crop up through another person. What you do know is that in spite of this great connection you share with him, you still do feel you cannot be in a relationship with him through his divorce. If those considerations of the timing of the relationship are paramount to you, then you have your answer. 




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  1. Rex Charles Kozak

    انتباه!!! أنا السيدة مارثا Ingrams ، مقرض قرض القطاع الخاص الشرعي ، هل تحتاج إلى قرض للعمل أو لسداد فواتيرك؟ إذا نعم نحن نقدم جميع أنواع المساعدة المالية لجهات التعاون والأفراد المحتاجين المساعدة المالية، ونحن نقدم جميع انواع القروض بسعر فائدة منخفض 2.5٪ لتطبيق البريد الإلكتروني لنا الآن عبر: وسنقوم بذلك المضي قدما على الفور مع عملية القرض الخاص بك ، يتم تسليم القروض ل العملاء في غضون 24 إلى 48 ساعة. لتطبيق الاتصال بنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني: شكر السيدة إنجرام مارثا المدير العام الهاتف: +13302994370

  2. Rex Charles Kozak

    انتباه!!! أنا السيدة مارثا Ingrams ، مقرض قرض القطاع الخاص الشرعي ، هل تحتاج إلى قرض للعمل أو لسداد فواتيرك؟ إذا نعم نحن نقدم جميع أنواع المساعدة المالية لجهات التعاون والأفراد المحتاجين المساعدة المالية، ونحن نقدم جميع انواع القروض بسعر فائدة منخفض 2.5٪ لتطبيق البريد الإلكتروني لنا الآن عبر: وسنقوم بذلك المضي قدما على الفور مع عملية القرض الخاص بك ، يتم تسليم القروض ل العملاء في غضون 24 إلى 48 ساعة. لتطبيق الاتصال بنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني: شكر السيدة إنجرام مارثا المدير العام الهاتف: +13302994370

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