February 18, 2019



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I believe the mind is the power house of transferring information from the nonphysical world to the physical world, but can you please explain to me the reasons for pain, suffering (of vulnerable – elderly, children, animals). What are the reasons for this because I need to understand so that I can make sense of it all. Is it that how we interpret suffering and how we experience it that maps out our soul and determines the next life we live. Is there such a place as heaven? Is there such a place as hell? Once we die doesn’t that place we go to get packed out and full of souls. Does heaven get cramped with souls. Please explain to me. Where do we go?


Buddha lists the existence of suffering in the world as one of the four noble truths. He says it is caused by attachment, ignorance and anger and is removed through nirvana.  That means we step out of suffering by raising consciousness to an entirely different level than the consciousness that generates suffering.

But as for why there is suffering, I am not sure there is any answer that will make sense of this from your current perspective with its concepts of justice and fairness that are rooted in the same state of consciousness that creates suffering. The same point applies to your questions of heaven and hell. You are trying to apply the physical concepts of three-dimensional space to a nonphysical realm. 

Our understanding, our reality, and our answers reflect our state of consciousness.  Our heaven, hell, or earthly existence will be what our consciousness makes it. A satisfying answer about suffering will require shifting awareness beyond its current boundaries and living a life free from suffering.



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June 26, 2014



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I have a hard time believing that the ability to suffer is something to be grateful for. I keep looking for God, I listen to what people say but I want to see and know it without having to take anyone's word, without everyone else's ideas. I want to believe in a God of love, a universe of abundance, an unfathomable good behind it all. I don't see it. I see good, I see the beauty in the trees, in the earth as I run it through my fingers, I feel the love and empathy of others stories and lives. I know compassion, and equanimity with animals and all people, but then I look at my life and the struggles. The hard times financially, the seeming bad "luck." It's just circumstance it's not anyone's fault. But I find that hard to swallow. As a parent I believe there are other ways to learn lessons and values without hardship, and that consequence doesn't have to equal suffering. I think of Maya Angelou and her story of how the three simple words "God loves me" impacted her so much, and I think okay I see the blessing in just being alive, in being able to breathe and live and love, I see that. It's wonderful and amazing. I see the grace and beauty, but it seems then that to live means to suffer sometimes. Is that it? I always thought that suffering was unnecessary, and there's a huge difference between that and not getting what you want. If God loves me, why can't he/she/it help in the areas where I'm actually suffering? What good does a universe of beauty do if I'm no able to see it because I'm too busy trying to survive? It seems to me then God is indifferent and I would never be indifferent to my children and their pain. I would never let my children suffer to learn, I would find another way. You don't need to touch the stove to know the burn, there's another way, through knowledge and caring explanation and demonstration. No pain no gain seems so archaic. Why should I be grateful for the ability to suffer?


Suffering is due the misperception of your relationship to wholeness. Seeing yourself as separate from others and the universe as a whole is the source of suffering. Knowing our true nature as the same reality as cosmic existence gives us the deep experience of connectedness, love, compassion, and joy. This removes suffering. Life is here to be enjoyed, not to suffer. Suffering has nothing to do with God’s nature or about learning lessons. The use of gratitude is in connecting us to the source of joy and appreciation within as our deeper reality, our higher self, so that we find our truth beyond the suffering.


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  1. LeeAnn Brine

    I wish I could be grateful all the time . . .but when I struggle to learn something that my life depends on, and then further through my day, I see roadkill, animal abuse, flashbacks of many painful memories,etc. I am depressed, anxiety/guilt ridden, remorseful, resentful, apathetic, I use to see the beauty of the ocean. Now, I think about everything in it out to eat me and the seals . . .When I see innocent animals, babies, etc. being consumed by crockodiles . . .I no longer see nature as beauty. And how most of the world can just go about their day fabulously ignorent when they go off hunting to kill "Bambi" without guilt or remorse, is something I will never have the luxury of ignoring. And I'm to busy in survival mode to be of much help to anyone or anything! I HATE THIS EARTH LIFE. LeeAnn Brine

  2. LeeAnn Brine

    I wish I could be grateful all the time . . .but when I struggle to learn something that my life depends on, and then further through my day, I see roadkill, animal abuse, flashbacks of many painful memories,etc. I am depressed, anxiety/guilt ridden, remorseful, resentful, apathetic, I use to see the beauty of the ocean. Now, I think about everything in it out to eat me and the seals . . .When I see innocent animals, babies, etc. being consumed by crockodiles . . .I no longer see nature as beauty. And how most of the world can just go about their day fabulously ignorent when they go off hunting to kill "Bambi" without guilt or remorse, is something I will never have the luxury of ignoring. And I'm to busy in survival mode to be of much help to anyone or anything! I HATE THIS EARTH LIFE. LeeAnn Brine

  3. Donniece

    In my own experience, every single thought of separation to wholeness each and every time has led me to suffering. And every single thought of seeing myself connected brings me back to the awareness of where I am, reality, and that is always connected to source, even at those times when I feel that I`m not.

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October 13, 2012



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

Suffering is both random and universal. Chaos nibbles at the edges of everyday existence.

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  1. Mat Kissell Blincoe

    love the your book on islam will have to read your new one

  2. Chandu Patel

    so gr8

  3. Andrea Schellin


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