June 27, 2015

Staying Positive.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dearest Deepak, I have been following your teachings and began meditating over a year ago. I have become aware of my thoughts and emotions in this process. Where I am challenged is staying positive and not have negative thoughts when situations arise. How can I change this pattern? Thank you in advance! Lina


The way to change negative thought patterns is to simply remain self-aware while they occur. Do not resist or try to discipline your mind to push negative thoughts away or even try to think positive thoughts.  You can’t change mental patterns with other mental activity when the pattern is held in place by deeper feelings or self-beliefs. Those can only be replaced with the experience of your true self, which is self-awareness.  Just being self-aware, without judgment, will dissolve the patterns over time.



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  1. Diana

    Hello dear Deepak. When I have a strong desire, a thought or just a really deep sensation of something that feels good for me how do I know that feeling is motivated for my deep self, my intuition, or it's just a trick of my mind or just my ego "talking". I have been practice meditation for a while, trying to stay positive about myself and let my inner voice guide me but it's hard to know the difference between mi ego and my real intuition, especially when is something that I really want but not sure it's right for me. Obviously this issue makes very difficult for me to take a chance and make a good decision.

  2. Diana

    Hello dear Deepak. When I have a strong desire, a thought or just a really deep sensation of something that feels good for me how do I know that feeling is motivated for my deep self, my intuition, or it's just a trick of my mind or just my ego "talking". I have been practice meditation for a while, trying to stay positive about myself and let my inner voice guide me but it's hard to know the difference between mi ego and my real intuition, especially when is something that I really want but not sure it's right for me. Obviously this issue makes very difficult for me to take a chance and make a good decision.

  3. Saintz

    Hello there Mr Deepak.. i try so hard to be positive, ill get in to that positie vibe and very easily veer off to being negative... how can i keep strong in the positve vibe?

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