January 15, 2013

Spousal Salvation.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


My wife is Christian, and I love her, but she doesn’t accept that I believe in other philosophies, every time I show her a different concept about something revealed to me, if it is different of Christian dogma , she rejects it and gets sad and sometimes we fight. I choose not to tell her about my beliefs because I see that it becomes a problem that I cannot handle, because she thinks that I am lost.and her sadness is about not being saved. I don’t like see her sad….any advice?


It seems your wife is content with the spiritual teachings she has already and is not looking for anything more right now. That is fine and if you understand and respect that, you can continue your spiritual quest without trying to urge her along in your direction. I understand that as you discover new and inspiring ideas, it is the natural and loving thing to want to share these gifts and experiences with your life partner. But it’s clear that if feels threatening and worrying to her right now, so the loving thing to do is to acknowledge that her own path, even if it’s different from yours, is perfect for her needs. Reassure her that your interest in other spiritual traditions and ideas will not jeopardize your salvation in any way, but in fact will only strengthen your spiritual destiny and connection to the divine.


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  1. Leed Betemit

    señor deepak tengo una pregunta piensas usted que estamos viviendo en un dos universos,uno palarelo y el otro materia, donde se esta siempre auto creando y expandiendo a la velocidad de la luz que habrá mas alla del otro universo invisible.

  2. Fonseca Vick

    Yo era católica y gracias a mi hijo me salí y conocí todas estas enseñanzas maravillosas de Deepak Chopra. Ahora leo sus textos q me han ayudado mucho. El no tuvo q forzarme. La verdad va llegando de acuerdo a quien la busca y la intensidad con que se busca. Creo.

  3. Martha Rosa Vazquez Marquez

    Siento que por fin con Deepak encontré lo que durante casi 50 años esuve buscando espiritualmente hablando, por fin encontré el sentido de la vida sin doble moral y he encontrado la la Luz y la Paz. El verdadero sentido del AMOR, del que habló el Señor Jesus.

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