March 24, 2014

Spiritual Trauma.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dear Deepak, I have been starting to practice meditation for few months now and I have followed you on Oprah's 21 day meditation session also couple of months ago. I have tried to meditate on my own few times as well as attending few meditation classes held my spiritual gurus. I am writing to you because I feel like I am not doing a good job with my meditation. First of all it takes me a long time to get into the zone. I find myself very sensitive to noise around me. So any little noise breaks my trance. Also I find it hard to follow the instructor's words as they take us to deep meditation, I have a hard time visualizing the scenario he/she is giving us and many times I see darkness in front of me instead of seeing a garden/mountain as the instructor is mentioning. Also I get headaches during and after the meditation session. Please let me know if I am doing anything wrong or what might be the cause of my poor performance. One instructor mentioned to me last time that I might have suffered a spiritual trauma and thus it is blocking my spiritual energy. If you think it might be the cause please provide me with some advice. I am looking forward to hearing from you on this matter. Thank you very much.


The body, mind and emotions can suffer trauma, but your spirit is your identity with universal existence, so I don’t know how that could suffer any trauma. Don’t worry about being distracted by noise. That’s normal, just easily bring your attention back to meditation. And if you aren’t good at visualizing images in your mind, that’s fine. You may be more of an audio or tactile person instead of a visual type. You can still get the benefit by letting your mind rest in the meaning of the words or the bodily sensations that accompany the visual setting.

The big issue is the headaches. That is most likely due to forcing the mind, trying to concentrate and resisting the normal movement of the mind. If you are trying to meditate, or controlling your thoughts, then you are creating mental strain and that will lead to headaches. If your instructor is telling you to force your mind, then that is not a healthy meditation practice. Find another teacher that knows that effective meditation uses the natural flow of the mind to easily take one inside, beyond the mind to the inner self.


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  1. Stella

    How does meditation impact the mind of a bipolar person? I have always had a terrible time focusing on mostly everything in my life. I struggle to find balance and energy to follow through with ideas and desires to better my life. Any advise?

  2. Christine Balastegui

    The good new Deepak Chopra is coming to France this year next month!!

  3. DrRajendra Adhayage

    Good Advise Sir..

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March 11, 2014

Spiritual Trauma.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dear Deepak, I have been starting to practice meditation for few months now and I have followed you on Oprah's 21 day meditation session also couple of months ago. I have tried to meditate on my own few times as well as attending few meditation classes held my spiritual gurus. I am writing to you because I feel like I am not doing a good job with my meditation. First of all it takes me a long time to get into the zone. I find myself very sensitive to noise around me. So any little noise breaks my trance. Also I find it hard to follow the instructor's words as they take us to deep meditation, I have a hard time visualizing the scenario he/she is giving us and many times I see darkness in front of me instead of seeing a garden/mountain as the instructor is mentioning. Also I get headaches during and after the meditation session. Please let me know if I am doing anything wrong or what might be the cause of my poor performance. One instructor mentioned to me last time that I might have suffered a spiritual trauma and thus it is blocking my spiritual energy. If you think it might be the cause please provide me with some advice. I am looking forward to hearing from you on this matter. Thank you very much.


The body, mind and emotions can suffer trauma, but your spirit is your identity with universal existence, so I don’t know how that could suffer any trauma. Don’t worry about being distracted by noise. That’s normal, just easily bring your attention back to meditation. And if you aren’t good at visualizing images in your mind, that’s fine. You may be more of an audio or tactile person instead of a visual type. You can still get the benefit by letting your mind rest in the meaning of the words or the bodily sensations that accompany the visual setting.

The big issue is the headaches. That is most likely due to forcing the mind, trying to concentrate and resisting the normal movement of the mind. If you are trying to meditate, or controlling your thoughts, then you are creating mental strain and that will lead to headaches. If your instructor is telling you to force your mind, then that is not a healthy meditation practice. Find another teacher that knows that effective meditation uses the natural flow of the mind to easily take one inside, beyond the mind to the inner self.


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  2. carolinichols

    Yes, I also get head aches, it seems like i get what feels like a huge weight on my head putting pressure on the top of my head. I am not forcing anything in my head, just relaxing, seems like the more i relax the bigger the pressure. I started to recline but that only made me fall asleep. It starts when i am visualizing about relaxing and letting go, taking a breath going deeper taking a breath then going deeper. I stopped years ago because i couldn`t find an answer. Thanks so much! CN

  3. Fiona Brennan

    thank you Deepak, such a wise man.

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