December 1, 2020
Ask Deepak

Source of Sorrow.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Although I meditate regularly, why do I often feel sorrow in my life when objectively there is very little?


If you are feeling sorrowful even though there are no recent losses in your life, then it is likely that your meditation practice is healing old grief that was never fully processed from your past. Sometimes the emotional healing process is not limited to the time sitting in meditation and spills over into the moods of our daily life. But still that healing is a good thing. That is what meditation is supposed to do—clear up the old conditioning that is blocking the full and free expression of our creative potential. As that old sorrow fades, you will feel released from your past. In the meantime, just be easy and patient with the process, and don’t get caught up in trying to locate a reason or meaning behind the sorrow.



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