October 12, 2013

Soul Functioning.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Hi Deepak: I just finished reading your book – The Book of Secrets. I loved it so much that I read it 3 times and made notes to use as daily reminders. How does our soul carry on and function after our physical body dies? Is consciousness an emergent property of brain processes or is it an inherent quality of the Universe? Thank you for sharing your amazing knowledge.


The physical body is a vehicle for our consciousness. Consciousness is the basis of physicality, not a by-product of it. A radio receives and processes nonlocal radio waves and that allows us to hear the music or voice, but the radio did not make the music, nor are the radio waves dependent upon the physical radio for their existence. In the same way, our nonlocal consciousness is projected through our body and senses, but our consciousness is not dependent upon the body for its existence.


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  1. Ruth Wilmore

    I have experienced the difference between the body and consciousness. I have noticed that sometimes I may have a pain in my body. But when I am really interested in something and my attention is fully focused on that other thing, I no longer notice my body. Does this make sense? I don't know any other way to explain it.

  2. Thtexp

    If consciousness does exist independent of the body, how do we explain that physical brain damage, depression, ageing or chemicals such as alcohol can fundamentally alter both the experience and expression of that consciousness? One can construct thought experiments in which such `damaged` minds go through the cycles. The inevitable conclusion, as far as I can see, is that our consciousness coalesces as a unique individual only in the context of our physical bodies. If there is a spark, or thread that continues, it leaves the biological component behind. This means our memories, thinking abilities, temperament, and any other faculty that can be demonstrably alerted by interfering with the pain of the body, dies with the body. I`d love to hear a hypothesis that challenges this view.

  3. Ralph Midnight

    As your `spirit` slowly dissipates into the ether so does your self-awareness. Everything you were ceases to be. This is death. The molecules that are bound together, slowly drift apart.

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