June 10, 2015

So Hum Meditation.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dear Deepak

A few questions about meditation please: What is the best way to meditate? One that will give me access to touching the universal intelligence inside myself in the most direct and quickest way? How does one know if one is meditating correctly? When it comes to using the Mantra So Hum – Is it correct to say SO with the in breath and Hum with the out breath. When I think the Mantra it’s as if I am saying it mentally but am not thinking it such that in a moment when I am distracted by thought it appears that I am focusing on my breath, saying the mantra and thinking about something else. This then leads me to wonder/think whilst I am meditating if I am doing it properly and weather its working? And all of this is happening whilst I am meditating – is this normal – is this still meditation? And lastly does meditating by focusing on my breath and becoming totally absorbed in the awareness of me breathing act as a meditation – even if I do it for less that 20min – does it have any positive effect of connecting me to the cosmic intelligence inside myself?

Thank you so very much for your guidance.


Your essential nature is that universal intelligence. So you don’t need to do anything to access your true self. Simply being aware of your breath allows you to be that universal intelligence. Nothing could be quicker or more direct. Adding the sounds ‘so’ with the inhale and ‘hum’ with the exhale, helps align attention with the breath. But if instead of helping, the mantras feel distracting, then go back to only paying attention to the breath and let the mantras come automatically and effortlessly whenever they naturally occur. Complete ease of the mind is essential to meditation.



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  1. Debbie George

    I don't believe there is a "best" way to meditate... Each soul is different...

  2. Debbie George

    I don't believe there is a "best" way to meditate... Each soul is different...

  3. Debbie George

    I don't believe there is a "best" way to meditate... Each soul is different...

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May 18, 2014

So-Hum Meditation.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dearest Deepak
Thank you so much for your amazing book The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire. I learnt so much from it. I have a few questions. If you would find the time to answer me it would mean so much to me. Firstly in terms of the meditation: When I say the So-Hum Mantra is it correct that one is to say this mentally to one’s self with the exhale and inhale. And to focus simultaneously on the breathing and the mantra? I notice that while I am saying So-Hum to myself other thoughts arise? So the so-hum becomes automatic what I am saying mentally, but other thoughts arise and sometimes even though I am still saying SO Hum mentally, I am thinking about other things? Furthermore I wanted to ask you – during the meditation while I am saying SO-Hum, I find myself searching for the witness inside of me or some altered stare or experience – is this ok or is the goal to stay solely focused on my breathing and the mantra? And will the altered state just blossom and appear one day when I am/ it is ready?
Thank you so much Deepak. May you be blessed.


Easily allow the mantra to go with the natural rhythm of the breath. You don’t need to make a strong focus to associate them. If you notice you have other thoughts while you are thinking the mantra, that’s fine. Let your attention easily favor the mantra over the thoughts.

You don’t need to search for the silent witness within, following the meditation practice will automatically bring you to that experience of the self. In time, that state of awareness becomes stronger more persistent in and out of meditation, until eventually it is there permanently, whether you are awake, asleep or dreaming.


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  1. Ameria Momo Masiko

    thanks Deepak, I too find it difficult but I believe with time all the destructions will fade away. only focus is important. but after all it is true there is peace, joy and happiness in meditation.

  2. Nevenka Sestak

    A domani

  3. BarbaraMerry Geng


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