June 17, 2022
Ask Deepak

Silencing the Mind.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I really have a hard time silencing my mind during meditation and as a result I do not think that I am getting to the point of falling into the gap. What can I do to help?


Every time one thought in our mind ends and another emerges, there is a little gap in between where that creative transformation happens. That gap is omnipresent in the midst of the thousands of thoughts we have in our mind every day. 

During meditation, we experience that gap every time the faint thought of the mantra fades away and then some new thought arises. Our true self rests in that gap, and in meditation we create the situation to consciously experience it. You are most certainly falling into the gap many, many times each meditation, but because those episodes are brief, you may not be consciously noticing it. That will improve in time as the duration and conscious depth of the experience increases. For now, know that if you are experiencing benefits from your meditation in daily life, that means the little dips into the gaps are still having their cumulative effects. Even a quick dip in the pool gets you wet.



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