December 22, 2017

Sexism and Racism.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I am an African American woman, but throughout my life racism was not a factor in my daily existence. However, this all changed exactly one year ago. I accepted a position in the service industry that catered to wealthy white patrons. The degree of sexism and racism I have experienced over the past few months, has been unsettling-to put it mildly. I have never experienced this degree of hatred before. I now understand that prejudice is institutionalized. As a result, I have plans to leave this position at the end of the summer.
That being said, how do I return to the color-blind person I once was? How do I view people as individuals and embrace their beautiful spirits when I see white people inflicting so much pain on those around them in both a covert and overt manner?


These few months have shown you how entrenched racism and sexism still is in certain areas of society, but all the other years of your life has shown you that there are many other areas that where you were treated where your race and sex was not the main consideration. You don’t have to allow this current experience to override your lifetime experience.  Take from this experience that racism and sexism is certainly alive and well, but you don’t need to let it pull you into its level of reaction. Don’t allow it to make you resentful, angry and vengeful, because it won’t change their minds and it will only bring that toxicity into your heart. Nelson Mandela, who had every reason to feel bitter toward his oppressors said: “Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for it to kill your enemy.”



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  1. Bishnu prasad

    Dear questioner, Many bitter experiences may come in life. We have to accept. Objective is to keep mind calm amid those situations. My wishes are with you. A great man has once said "Noone can make me unhappy, because I don't expect anything from anyone". So please don't expect good behavior either. . One more thing,not that all people are biased and racist. Sometimes misunderstanding, miscommunication too could have happened.

  2. Bishnu prasad

    Dear questioner, Many bitter experiences may come in life. We have to accept. Objective is to keep mind calm amid those situations. My wishes are with you. A great man has once said "Noone can make me unhappy, because I don't expect anything from anyone". So please don't expect good behavior either. . One more thing,not that all people are biased and racist. Sometimes misunderstanding, miscommunication too could have happened.

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