May 11, 2022
Ask Deepak



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Hi Deepak, Thank you for sharing your great thoughts! How can I stop the cycle of self-sabotaging my personal life? I have noticed that whenever I have been in love, I am my worst enemy. Hateful firstly to myself as I behave so needy & doubtful, and then I really treat my loved one extremely badly. Please help. I wish to stop this cycle. I am committed to everything you ask me to do as it’s a priority to clean this cycle.


If you are sabotaging your relationships, it indicates that something inside you feels you do not deserve to be in a happy loving relationship. You do deserve love, so you need to uncover the source of this false belief inside and heal it with a true awareness of your spiritual value. You may need the assistance of a counselor or a trustworthy friend who can be completely honest with you to help you through this healing process. Once the old sabotaging belief has been healed and replaced with a real recognition of your essential loving self, you will no longer undermine your relationships.



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