November 4, 2017



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


How does a person know when they are fully self – realized?


Self-realization is not an event in time, it is the recognition of the presence of awareness that is there at all times, whether you are awake, asleep, or dreaming. Because of stories we heard in Eastern spiritual traditions we tend to believe that enlightenment is a dramatic experience in the mind and body that radically disrupts our worldly existence. But that story is only a metaphor for the shift of awareness that occurs beyond the mind and body, outside time and space. Self-realization is not an intellectual idea, or the outcome of a process. There is a simple cognition that this abiding awareness is your essential Self and that essence is not limited, defined or diminished by any temporary experience of the mind or body. This initial realization grows and expands into a more mature enlightenment that reveals the full sense of freedom, peace, joy and love in every moment.



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  1. Del Scovil

    I am taking the 21 day meditation experience with Oprah and Deepak. I am fairly new at meditation but there are several programs I would like to purchase. Should I be taking more than one experience at a time or should I finish one before going on to another? I look forward to your response. Thank you Del Scovil

  2. Del Scovil

    I am taking the 21 day meditation experience with Oprah and Deepak. I am fairly new at meditation but there are several programs I would like to purchase. Should I be taking more than one experience at a time or should I finish one before going on to another? I look forward to your response. Thank you Del Scovil

  3. Del Scovil

    I am taking the 21 day meditation experience with Oprah and Deepak. I am fairly new at meditation but there are several programs I would like to purchase. Should I be taking more than one experience at a time or should I finish one before going on to another? I look forward to your response. Thank you Del Scovil

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