December 5, 2011

Scary Experience.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

 I did the 21 day meditation challenge with David Ji and at the end(day 19 I think) we did a meditation "who am I?" I had a very scary experience, the crown of my head ached afterward for days and I kept hearing the angry accusation (thought) that "you are a dog" I was too afraid to finish at day 21 even though I enjoyed and participated in the previous 19 days. I could not control the voice and it took a week to subside. I thought I conjured up a demon that hates me. Maybe mental illness is uncovered during meditation, I still practice, especially mindfulness and present moment awareness, but I am afraid of the who am I question. Very afraid. Can you offer comment or help? This happened months ago, and although I have been troubled by it, I have not had the courage to ask what caused this reaction. Please answer me


As we clear out the old psychological debris from our minds through meditation, we invariably run into old thought patterns that don’t want to go. These old patterns can be quite creative in throwing up obstacles to dissuade us from continuing our meditation. So in your case it made an angry accusatory voice that insulted you to put you off your practice. Distracting thoughts, doubts, and physical discomfort are a few of the other ways in which our old self tries to derail our meditation practice. The way to deal with these obstacles is to recognize them for the distractions they are and then simply return to your meditation.

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    First- the experience of "Who am I" is definitely available. Second- one of the ways for it to be available is experiencing `falling out of mind` ie when mind will have no response to offer. so its offering " you are dog" means it is not yet failing to offer the response. may be meditation will help exhaust its responses. i took a different route to find my answer. it was a koan type of an enquiry wherein mind at one point failed to answer making me fall out of it into I AM. love Bijender

  2. MuhammedUK

    The only way to find peace in your heart, body mind and soul is to find the One you created it and everything around us.

  3. Ben

    Humor is the best medicine, and its all about perspective. Look at it this way: You are consciousness, and consciousness is everything. Dogs are also consciousness, so transitively, you ARE a dog. You are ALL the dogs, all the people, all the bugs and snakes, and the oxygen they breathe.

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