April 2, 2015

Right Decisions.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


 I was tired of feeling financially dependent on my husband and decided to go to school, get a degree, and get a job. Now, that I have accomplished all of the above, I am constantly evaluating whether or not the decision I made was right, cause my responsibilities are 5 times more than before, my husband doesn’t financially support me anymore, and I just feel exhausted all the time. I feel like “the grass is always greener on the other side”! If I made the right choice, why do I constantly feel that I am missing something?


There is no such thing as an absolutely right decision- or wrong decision. We make decisions to move our life forward with the best understanding we have at the time. Your past decision did that. The fact that in achieving those goals you came to reevaluate what is important to you, does not mean you made the wrong decision. You have come to realize something essential to you that you didn’t know before, and that self-knowledge will be part of your decision-making process as you move forward from here.  Perhaps you can find meaningful work that is less demanding and less physically exhausting.



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  1. GypsySpirit

    I take Deepak seriously only when he claims that we can no longer ignore oberserver from what is being observed, as dominant science has been ignoring for a long time. Rest all is jugglery required to stay at top and be visible in rat race, otherwise we won't be here discussing all this on deepak's site.

  2. Kyle Pearson

    Mr. Chopra, I have just recently been introduced to this world of meditation and yoga. My path to it may be a little different, but whose isn't. Long story short I have had a couple mind opening experiences that have changed my life tremendously. Shortly after I started yoga and then became a vegetarian/vegan and never looking back. It feels as if I have been able to slow life down like an athlete has been able to slow the game down. I have finally taken responsibility for myself and it has freed me. I can't wait to read my first book authored by yourself. If you have a favorite please let me know I would love to get a great insight into your thinking and the path that you have taken. Namaste.

  3. Shelley MacArthur Farley

    Great answer!

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