May 9, 2014

Right and Wrong.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I'm not a bad person but I'm not perfect either. I know you say there is a consciousness that sees right and wrong as the same. Does that mean God sees right and wrong the same? And if that's the case does that mean God doesn't punish? I'm constantly about right and wrong and maybe you can help clear this up.
Thank you.


God as the universal intelligence and love within all creation is our own highest self. As we awaken to our true existence, we understand that concepts of bad actions being punished by a judging deity are no longer useful tools to understand our spiritual awakening.


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  1. heartphone

    @Clarity Diva: understanding of the possible repercussions..... Thats what all disciplines (religion, philosophy, science, and you name it) DID in the past. We are the product of the so-called Zeitgeist. My parents were the product of World War II and a catholic church that predicted hell and doom if they did not obey the dogma`s. Luckily i`ve been able to put that all behind me and let my children decide for themselves. Their experiences will guide their own children further on the ladder of evolution. At least in the West we were able, after WW II to work hard to meet our basic needs (food, shelter,education). Now at older age also able to be a bit more creative.......

  2. Clarity Diva

    I am able to believe that we are here to experience, right or wrong, and good or bad... And that all of our experiences offer us windows to awareness. We should and we must absolutely raise children with a clearer idea of right and wrong in our choices and actions and help younger generations to have an understanding of the possible repercussions of both.

  3. heartphone

    @akasha: the akasha chronicles are still words, although together with quantum physical reality a breathtaking range of speculation. Knowledge you must become. Therefore it takes evolution of the human species intil the Aha moment arrives. Once cannot force it neither by talking nor by writing about it. It happens...... on its own........

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May 5, 2012

Right and Wrong.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


The question is about right and wrong. I think that one has the responsibility to act according to one's level of consciousness, which gives us a guide of what is right or wrong for us right now. From your definition of karma in Synchrodestiny, it is clear that karma is neither good or bad, it is just the collection of our past experiences, which affects how we interpret the world right now. Doing something which according to our level of consciousness, say kill somebody, does not produce good or bad karma. Then there is the notion that from the point of view of the Universe, everything is perfect, wars, famine and all; everything has a grand purpose in the perfection of creation. But I cannot accept a rape, or a murder, or war as perfect and good. It is something that I interpret from my level of consciousness and I think it is wrong. If everyone thinks everything that happens is OK, then we may end up in anarchy. I think everybody should act according to what they believe is right or wrong.
Anyways… you can tell that there is something that is missing for me to completely understand this. If everything is perfect and good in the grand scheme of the Universe, why do I see things as right or wrong for me? I remember a quote from the Science of Being where Maharishi says that the more we meditate the more clear this will become, but I would really like some clarification from you.


It’s perfectly sensible and appropriate to see murder, rape and famine as wrong behavior, and to follow those values as guides for action. At the same time, there is a valid state of consciousness that sees all the action in the universe as a whole as your own true self, as something that is perfect and good. That all-inclusive awareness is perfect and good, that doesn’t mean you would think murder and rape is a good thing to do. That enlightened knowledge is something you realize as your own essential nature, it is not knowledge about how to behave and act. In that sense it transcends notions of right and wrong karma. So it is not appropriate to apply the understanding from this state of consciousness about existence to the notions of right and wrong behavior of a different state of consciousness.


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  1. Shivapriya

    While sleeping, I was sexually abused by my own brother at the age of 12. He is a year younger than I. I screamed and woke up my parents and older sister. My father chose to sleep through. My mom, just made him go in another room and after that, she just asked me to sleep. Nothing! There have been confrontations, screaming matches between my mother and I, but to cut long story short: my mother says I need to let it go, because it was a mistake done in the boisterousness of youth and I am the one who has made an issue out of it. I am estranged with the whole family, and occasionally speak to just my mom. Is she right? Was it my karma that made me suffer? Thanks!

  2. Shivapriya

    While sleeping, I was sexually abused by my own brother at the age of 12. He is a year younger than I. I screamed and woke up my parents and older sister. My father chose to sleep through. My mom, just made him go in another room and after that, she just asked me to sleep. Nothing! There have been confrontations, screaming matches between my mother and I, but to cut long story short: my mother says I need to let it go, because it was a mistake done in the boisterousness of youth and I am the one who has made an issue out of it. I am estranged with the whole family, and occasionally speak to just my mom. Is she right? Was it my karma that made me suffer? Thanks!

  3. Shivapriya

    While sleeping, I was sexually abused by my own brother at the age of 12. He is a year younger than I. I screamed and woke up my parents and older sister. My father chose to sleep through. My mom, just made him go in another room and after that, she just asked me to sleep. Nothing! There have been confrontations, screaming matches between my mother and I, but to cut long story short: my mother says I need to let it go, because it was a mistake done in the boisterousness of youth and I am the one who has made an issue out of it. I am estranged with the whole family, and occasionally speak to just my mom. Is she right? Was it my karma that made me suffer? Thanks!

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