August 22, 2015

Restless Mind.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I just can’t seem to find the silence these days meditating. Things have been going on, future plans, stresses etc., my mind keeps being the “monkey mind”, I am saying the mantra but it is like I am just sitting there saying it, I don’t get to that peace, and I find it tough to handle some of the thoughts. Any tips? Pranayama helps sometimes but not always.


See if you can meditate without the expectation of silence. Simply be open to whatever experience of consciousness your inner self brings to you. That is the experience you need at that particular moment. Trust it and embrace it. Don’t judge it as poor meditation or overactive monkey mind. As long as you are meditating without trying to think the mantra clearly and not resisting or resenting thoughts, then whatever kind of meditation you are having—active or silent—is exactly what your mind/body/spirit needs at that time. Allow that experience to unfold however it needs to. It will be the step you need to bring you closer to full awakening.



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  1. harry tina

    ITEMS NEEDED (1)A white and red candle from magic shop from uromi city (3) A 9 month old rose flower (4)A ring from modovana (5)Spiritual holy water from uromi city (7)Native pot Madonna (8)An Oil From The Love Spirit: (9)A Ring From The Accent City: TOTAL:250 pounds

  2. harry tina

    ITEMS NEEDED (1)A white and red candle from magic shop from uromi city (3) A 9 month old rose flower (4)A ring from modovana (5)Spiritual holy water from uromi city (7)Native pot Madonna (8)An Oil From The Love Spirit: (9)A Ring From The Accent City: TOTAL:250 pounds

  3. harry tina

    ITEMS NEEDED (1)A white and red candle from magic shop from uromi city (3) A 9 month old rose flower (4)A ring from modovana (5)Spiritual holy water from uromi city (7)Native pot Madonna (8)An Oil From The Love Spirit: (9)A Ring From The Accent City: TOTAL:250 pounds

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July 25, 2012

Restless Mind.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


My mind is full of thoughts all the time even when I am sleeping I have the feeling that I`m thinking all the time about everything, about random things. Thus I do not have deep sleep nights, waking up very tired and restless. Even I find it difficult to meditate, I just cannot achieve a peaceful mind.

Thank you!


In Ayurvedic terms, your anxious mind is an expression of too much vata. So what you need to do is calm down or pacify your vata in order to settle your mind enough to sleep and meditate.. To balance Vata, make choices that bring warmth, stability, and consistency to your life. Try to get to bed before 10 pm, awaken by 6 am, and eat your meals at regular times. Avoid becoming chilled. Wear adequate clothing appropriate for the season and keep your head covered when the weather is cold.

Perform a daily self- massage using warmer, heavier oils like sesame and almond .Do light exercise that enhances balance and flexibility. Take care not to push yourself too far and exceed the limits of your energy. Fresh ginger root is beneficial and can be used frequently. During the cool weather, sip ginger tea throughout the day. Be certain that your bowels move regularly on a daily basis. Favor soothing, calming music. Touch and be touched regularly by the people you love. Get regular massages. See if these general points help your mind settle down.


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  1. Chandershekhar

    Andie, what you said is of great significance. Unless the physical part of your being is fulfilled there is no solace in any spiritualism.But let me give you a small method and practice this only for 42 days and let me know if life seems to improve and mind more blissful. Every night when you are on your bed close your eyes and imagine the kind of life you want and be very specific, what kind of house, car, family all you want but be clear and concise. Do this for 5-10mins everyday and every morning when you wake up. Only condition is during these 42 days don`t tell yourself this is not possible. Wish you good luck and prosperity. CJ

  2. Vinoth

    Hi the root cause for this problem is reacting to thoughts which arises on our mind and optimal solution for the same is simple do nothing as every thought arises to passes away best way to handle this thought is with a smile just be aware of thought is there and it will passes away, this can only be done if every individual practiced for same just be aware of sensation on your body or be aware of respiration these are some steps....

  3. JK

    Andie has a very goodpoint. When you`re working two jobs just to make the rent, food & basics, it is very stressful. I`ve been in this position & do believe that a simple 15 min. meditation in the morning & 15 min. in the afternoon or evening really helps. It calms the mind so you don`t worry as much. It also gives you insight into what your next move should be. It sounds like you need & deserve a better paying job. I know that sounds easier said than done but you CAN do it. Your wise voice within will tell you. First meditate for a little while & don`t think of anything while doin this. Then when your mind is calmer ask yourself what your skills & talents are. Look for jobs in that field that are paying twice as much as you are getting now. Then GO FOR IT. You can do it, and SEE yourself in this new position that allows you to spend time with your family & more importantly, yourself. I hope this helped. Wishing all the best.

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