March 12, 2017



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I send my deepest gratitude to you for your books.  They have finally answered my questions about the value human emotions play in our existence and how to use them as barometers and indicators.  I have one last emotion that does not seem to flow right through me.  Instead, I seem to be very attached to it and that emotion is resentment.  It is not resentment of my past or childhood, rather it comes up in big waves when one of our grown children calls because he (consistently) has “financial emergencies” and is in need of large sums of money which he insists he will pay back.  Instead of making a repayment agreement, I send the money and tell him it is a gift to him and his wife and the grandchildren so they will be able to start fresh (I try to come from a place of generosity when I give him money).  Apparently we are not the only relatives who send these gifts either.  He seems to depend on family members rather than heal his bad relationship with money.  What is the opposite of resentment and why would I want to keep this emotion as an old friend?  


I suspect that in addition to the obvious resentment and frustration with your son, you are angry and conflicted within your heart about how to deal with his financial problems. You give the money freely with the hope that he will solve his problems once and for all. That means that emotionally there are lots of strings attached. There is an expectation that he should change, that his behavior should be controlled. Regardless of the reasonableness and loving nature of your concern, there is nevertheless an element of your ego’s need for control intermixed in with it, and that is the aspect of resentment that is so sticky. This issue provides an opportunity to address the issues of control in your own psyche. As you look at this and work your way through it, you will find that you will be okay with how your son is living his life and you will be at peace with however you choose to help him.



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  1. Valerie Varan, LPC

    Imagine that emotion is simple your energy field blending with the energy field of another person or place or idea etc. And the degree to which there is resonance, feels pleasant as emotion. The degree to which there lacks resonance, feels unpleasant and "not me".- Valerie Varan, LPC and author of Living in a Quantum Reality: Using Quantum Physics and Psychology to Embrace Your Higher Consciousness

  2. Valerie Varan, LPC

    Imagine that emotion is simple your energy field blending with the energy field of another person or place or idea etc. And the degree to which there is resonance, feels pleasant as emotion. The degree to which there lacks resonance, feels unpleasant and "not me".- Valerie Varan, LPC and author of Living in a Quantum Reality: Using Quantum Physics and Psychology to Embrace Your Higher Consciousness

  3. Valerie Varan, LPC

    Imagine that emotion is simple your energy field blending with the energy field of another person or place or idea etc. And the degree to which there is resonance, feels pleasant as emotion. The degree to which there lacks resonance, feels unpleasant and "not me".- Valerie Varan, LPC and author of Living in a Quantum Reality: Using Quantum Physics and Psychology to Embrace Your Higher Consciousness

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