November 29, 2011

Reentering Society.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

Two years ago I started going through traumatic events that ended in August. Now my life is beginning to move out from it but I feel like I myself am completely disconnected from the universe and other human beings. I want to begin my journey back, but I don't know where to start. I feel empty and am having a very hard time connecting with others, while I used to be able to do it very well.
Where do I begin? I'm overwhelmed with information I don't know the first steps back.

I think the best way to reconnect with people is to find a way in which you can be of service to those who are less well off than you. Volunteer at a homeless shelter or help tutor at a school. If you have a particular talent or skill, then offer that. Or perhaps you can facilitate in a support group for people who have gone through the type of trauma that you went through. Once you throw yourself into helping others, that feeling of disconnection will go away instantly.

Write Your Comment

  1. Kristen

    I,too, have gone through an unwanted situation in my life. And I understand the feelings you are having. I completely agree with Deepak`s answer. I would also add, by connecting back to your Divinity, you will be connecting back to humanity. We are all one. We may feel we are lost, but in Truth, we never were. Blessings on your journey, Kristen

  2. Jasper

    Maybe your response is the right one Deepak, I don`t know but my feeling is telling me something else. It tells me that he or she, the one writing the question, needs help and love from others herself (maybe even in stead of giving it). Helping others can be a very powerful tool, but one must be careful with giving when the one who with the needs is you. When you follow Deepaks advice realize that you are the one who needs taking care of and make sure you get what you need. Don`t let your care for others be more important than the care for yourself. A therapist can also help you give everything a place and processing the pain so you can feel whole again. Love and good luck, and remember; everything passes.

  3. Maja Bellem

    Meditate and connect to yourself and your innerpeace. Then you can connect to the outside. It will move forward from that. Be patient with urself. ♥

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