October 24, 2015

Reality of Karma.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Is Karma a reality? How does it fit scientifically? Thank you very much for the time and energy taken to answer me.


Karma has a reality in its realm the relative field of cause and effect in the mental and physical world, but karma is not the Reality.  Our true self, pure consciousness is the unified reality of existence that transcends karma and relative existence. When we know our essential nature as   unlimited, ever-present awareness, we know and experience our truth as independent of the laws of karma.



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  1. Arlan Bergoust

    I think it's reality. By the way, thank you for a wonderful meditation experience this morning on my (Taurus) full super moon surprise day. Like a butterfly might cause a later hurricane on the other side of the earth, our actions create a new world. I can design future worlds.

  2. Arlan Bergoust

    I think it's reality. By the way, thank you for a wonderful meditation experience this morning on my (Taurus) full super moon surprise day. Like a butterfly might cause a later hurricane on the other side of the earth, our actions create a new world. I can design future worlds.

  3. Arlan Bergoust

    I think it's reality. By the way, thank you for a wonderful meditation experience this morning on my (Taurus) full super moon surprise day. Like a butterfly might cause a later hurricane on the other side of the earth, our actions create a new world. I can design future worlds.

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