September 8, 2015

Reacting from Emotion.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.

You liberate your own well-being as well as make room inside for more compassion for everybody else around you.

Our meditation app “Ananda – Loving Relationships” is available in iTunes and Google Play

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  1. michael

    I have just gone through a difficult break-up a few months ago. Every thing was upside down. I had been dating a girl for about seven months who I thought was the greatest person I could ever be with. When we broke up she said she was unsure of whether I was the one. I felt like my whole life is over but as I was searching for help on the net I found one forum, which recommend I was skeptic at first but I just decided to give it a try, holy molly the results were more than I expected. Here is what happened, instantly girlfriend called on phone and after 1 week she came back to me in tears and promised never to live again since then i have feel so relaxed and forget my pain. I'm freaking happy.....(

  2. michael

    I have just gone through a difficult break-up a few months ago. Every thing was upside down. I had been dating a girl for about seven months who I thought was the greatest person I could ever be with. When we broke up she said she was unsure of whether I was the one. I felt like my whole life is over but as I was searching for help on the net I found one forum, which recommend I was skeptic at first but I just decided to give it a try, holy molly the results were more than I expected. Here is what happened, instantly girlfriend called on phone and after 1 week she came back to me in tears and promised never to live again since then i have feel so relaxed and forget my pain. I'm freaking happy.....(

  3. michael

    I have just gone through a difficult break-up a few months ago. Every thing was upside down. I had been dating a girl for about seven months who I thought was the greatest person I could ever be with. When we broke up she said she was unsure of whether I was the one. I felt like my whole life is over but as I was searching for help on the net I found one forum, which recommend I was skeptic at first but I just decided to give it a try, holy molly the results were more than I expected. Here is what happened, instantly girlfriend called on phone and after 1 week she came back to me in tears and promised never to live again since then i have feel so relaxed and forget my pain. I'm freaking happy.....(

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