August 22, 2019

Quieting Anxiety.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I am being treated for anxiety with meds.  I am in the process of stopping those. My anxiety manifests in different ways depending on circumstances. My question is can I use my mantra to help me keep the anxiety from rising or will that reduce the effectiveness on my mantra? I usually just need to quiet my mind and hope repetition of my mantra is a good tool.


The Primordial Sound Meditation mantra that you have been given is used for  sitting meditation with your eyes closed. It Is designed to take you beyond your active mind to your silent core consciousness. So it won’t be appropriate to use that mantra when you are in the midst of your day and something anxiety-provoking happens. For anxious episodes, it would be  better to do some conscious slow abdominal breathing accompanied by soothing self-talk and/or relaxing visualization until the anxiety subsides.



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  1. Alena Adamkova

    I think depression is about emptiness, nothingness.....Meditation is also about emptiness.......but the difference is Meditation is about emptiness with purpose..(clear mind, empty mind),....I was listening Eckhart Tolle he said in some video that meditation is about empty mind....but empty mind doesnt mind "idiocy" :) People laughed. That it has nothing to do with intelligence....He doesnt use the word "mindfullness" ...the mind isnt full but empty, when people are mindful, or when they focus, or do meditation. :) ....I think depression is actually emptiness of heart, fullness of mind......meditation is about fullness of heart, emptiness of mind. :) Now I got another idea...that the word "mindfulness" is maybe right, people use the word right......because for exapmle Joe Dispenza often talks about "brain-heart coherence" (which is probably very familiar for all mind and mindful scientists :) ) so maybe if the mind is coherent with heart, (maybe with Universe too, or with field) both create the "fulness"..."mindfulness"...person is acting mindfully....(speaks less, acts more to make things done)...from the heart and with underastanding of present moment...."so maybe it should be called "mind-heartfullness"

  2. Alena Adamkova

    I think depression is about emptiness, nothingness.....Meditation is also about emptiness.......but the difference is Meditation is about emptiness with purpose..(clear mind, empty mind),....I was listening Eckhart Tolle he said in some video that meditation is about empty mind....but empty mind doesnt mind "idiocy" :) People laughed. That it has nothing to do with intelligence....He doesnt use the word "mindfullness" ...the mind isnt full but empty, when people are mindful, or when they focus, or do meditation. :) ....I think depression is actually emptiness of heart, fullness of mind......meditation is about fullness of heart, emptiness of mind. :) Now I got another idea...that the word "mindfulness" is maybe right, people use the word right......because for exapmle Joe Dispenza often talks about "brain-heart coherence" (which is probably very familiar for all mind and mindful scientists :) ) so maybe if the mind is coherent with heart, (maybe with Universe too, or with field) both create the "fulness"..."mindfulness"...person is acting mindfully....(speaks less, acts more to make things done)...from the heart and with underastanding of present moment...."so maybe it should be called "mind-heartfullness"

  3. Alena Adamkova

    It came ti my mind that depression is about emptiness, nothingness.....Meditation is also about emptiness.....but the difference is Meditation is about emptiness with purpose..(clear mind, empty mind),....I was listening Eckhart Tolle he said in some video that meditation is about empty mind....but empty mind doesnt mind "idiocy" :) People laughed....He doesnt use the word "mindfullness" ...the mind isnt full but empty.

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