May 21, 2012

Questioning Souls.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dear Deepak, Throughout history it seems that rebellious, questioning souls have been daring and compelling enough to bring positive change in societies. I like to discuss current events, ethics, and injustice with my friends and family. I want to be a part of positive change. However, my calling attention to society's ills can feel so negative. How does one question in the world without disturbing the peace?


There is no reason you can’t be an agent of change or a questioning soul in a peaceful way. It comes down to having a clear vision of what positivity you want to create in the world and then embodying that positive thought and action in your personal life. The old patterns of injustice and oppression are transformed not by battling them, but by seeing them for what they are and then creating a new reality, a more loving and compassionate reality.


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  1. Sarah

    I think it depends on the sort of dimensionality aspect. If you wish to create peace on a 3d Earth then it would be necessary to identify the imbalance within the ways in which humans interact with eachother and with the planet. To create physical change would require the attitudes and behaviours to be aligned with a balanced perspective. The root of imbalance is the human conditioned mind and the associated behaviours. So in order to create peace on Earth in 3d the first step would be to promote more balanced patterns which are in alignment with respecting other humans, not taking without consent, being charitable whilst encouraging individuals to develop positive attitudes towards being self supporting. And lots more. The root would be the children, they are the next generation, but if they are being subject to conditioning then they need to be `given` the tools to develop healthy attitudes and respectful ways of relating and behaving. But if it is looked at from another perspective, then if the planet is ascending, a spiritual perspective is needed in order to encourage individuals in the ascension process and in raising their vibration in alignment with that process. So maybe it is a bit of both. It depends how one would interpret `heaven on Earth`. Whether it is literally the attainment of such peace on 3d Earth, or whether it is related to the Christ flame, the IAM ascension and the planet`s own ascension.

  2. Ryan Shacochis

    Laughter too can help. It`s difficult for even the most obstinate person to be offended or angry if you can make them laugh. This avoids passivity, and can help engage those that would not normally be receptive to new ideas.

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