February 3, 2016

Purpose on Earth.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Good morning, I have a basic question for Mr. Deepak. Are we here on Earth because:

 1) It is part of our soul evolution, so we have a purpose in life. Or

 2) We are here as a result of various previous incarnations (Karma and different levels of consciousness) and are getting more and more attached to the physical world (trapped).

Thank you


Traditionally, the concept of spiritual evolution has been directly connected with the idea of karma. In this view, we are here on Earth as an arena in which our experiences of our actions and their consequences serve as a means of helping us realize our true spiritual status as the presence of pure experience and knowing. This awakening reveals our true self as unlimited and free. This evolution is our purpose here.



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  1. Marwanda

    I contemplated this one day trying to undersand energy, life energy. My response was God being all energy, pure love, created us as an expression of the whole. Each life is to express more and experience it and as each leve opens up, new ones begin. So it is in essence all one and we are all aspects of ourselves. :)

  2. Marwanda

    I contemplated this one day trying to undersand energy, life energy. My response was God being all energy, pure love, created us as an expression of the whole. Each life is to express more and experience it and as each leve opens up, new ones begin. So it is in essence all one and we are all aspects of ourselves. :)

  3. Marwanda

    I contemplated this one day trying to undersand energy, life energy. My response was God being all energy, pure love, created us as an expression of the whole. Each life is to express more and experience it and as each leve opens up, new ones begin. So it is in essence all one and we are all aspects of ourselves. :)

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