April 26, 2018

Psychic Abilities.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I have a very important question. My yoga instructor told me when I get enlightened, and my third eye opens up, that my psychic abilities, intuition, and wisdom will open. Do you know of these psychic abilities? As a Christian I was raised to believe that anything psychic is bad and negative, that anything psychic and astral is demonic and should not be looked into. I’m worried about this psychic ability, can’t I just bypass that and go straight to intuition (higher self)? I have also heard that using the name of Jesus Christ protects one from the astral and psychic realm, and that these realms are the realms of many minds, and not the universal one mind. Is this true, and are there any other names that protects one from the astral and psychic realms?


The gradual process of self-realization does activate latent potentialities, but when these abilities unfold in the context of awakening the wholeness of consciousness, these powers will bring you closer to the divine, not separate you from it.

There is no reason to be afraid of gaining your full human potential. There is nothing bad or negative that comes out of your enlightenment, and certainly nothing that you need to be protected from.  It is not really accurate to characterize this activation of consciousness as psychic and astral powers. These abilities are not something that come from outside of you, or apart from God. They emerge spontaneously once you have cleared away the ignorance, fear and the false self from your consciousness, and become established in your higher Self.



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  1. Denita McDade

    Interesting question, and eye opening. To see someone fear that kind of knowing and power is so opposite of what I was taught to believe by my spiritual parents. Great dialogue...

  2. Denita McDade

    Interesting question, and eye opening. To see someone fear that kind of knowing and power is so opposite of what I was taught to believe by my spiritual parents. Great dialogue...

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July 12, 2016

Psychic Abilities.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I have a question about psychic abilities. I recently had a reading done by a woman who claimed to be a psychic. I usually don’t do these kinds of things – my theory is that while there are people in the world that can see into others’ lives and feel energies and events around someone, I don’t know that anyone is able to actually predict the future. But I was feeling somewhat sad and bored with my life lately, and I guess I just wanted to hear someone say it would change.

The reading wasn’t exactly what I was hoping for – in fact, her prediction of events in the future was fairly depressing. My question is – can anyone ever really see the future? And if so, does that mean that the future is already decided and can’t be changed?


The best one can do is predict the probability or likelihood of something happening. But there is always the factor of free will that must be accounted for.



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  1. Gabriele

    Why is it so extremely hard to quit smoking? I found out that I never inhalated, but "need" to pull on the cigarette ... Thank you Deepak with love and peace from Germany!

  2. Gabriele

    Why is it so extremely hard to quit smoking? I found out that I never inhalated, but "need" to pull on the cigarette ... Thank you Deepak with love and peace from Germany!

  3. Gabriele

    Why is it so extremely hard to quit smoking? I found out that I never inhalated, but "need" to pull on the cigarette ... Thank you Deepak with love and peace from Germany!

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