December 18, 2016

Partying Friend.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


A friend and I often discuss the teachings of inner peace and balance. But my friend struggles with walking the walk after talking the talk. My friend wants to be the person who looks out from a mountain of goodwill and peace. To be in tune with the universal energy and to be emotionally balanced, however, my friend likes to go to places where alcohol, cigarettes, and a lot of negative energy exist, in other words, bars and parties. This must be in great conflict to achieving a peaceful and spiritual balance. Any thoughts?


 I understand your point that bars and clubs may not be the best place to look for peace and quiet, but for the person who is well established in their higher self, no place is an obstacle to that inner silence either. I don’t know how competent your friend is maintaining his silent witness in such circumstances, but if he or she can enjoy the company and celebratory atmosphere of such places without being adversely affected by the coarser aspects there, then it’s not a problem. If the nervous system is strong and flexible enough to uphold its equilibrium of consciousness under all circumstances and at all times, then there is no reason to avoid anyplace to keep one’s purity. If, like most of us, you have a transitional constitution that is easily perturbed by smoke, alcohol and rowdy behavior, then it only makes sense to minimize your exposure to them.



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  1. STAR MD

    really like this topic.. i myself. have struggled. with keeping my equalibrium. in bars and parties and such. actually taking on some of the energies.. not good especially when drinking myself, which i prefer to do now minimally. but allways alone to keep myself safe.. or with trusted freinds. who dont carry weird energies that pop up and act out undealt with shadow things,. coming into soul knowing. so much more wonderfull. than getting drunk and smoking.. and even socializing.. from my perspective and experience, consciousness is enough.. certainly. not easy, but enough.. the more one becomes conscious the more one sees the crutches we use,for what they really are. just quit smoking. because i wanted to breathe instead.. in my opinion god is in the breath... its been four days. and i know i can do this. deepak your amazing. and have helped me. so much. throughout the years.. thankyou from my heart.. good luck to all.. msm

  2. STAR MD

    really like this topic.. i myself. have struggled. with keeping my equalibrium. in bars and parties and such. actually taking on some of the energies.. not good especially when drinking myself, which i prefer to do now minimally. but allways alone to keep myself safe.. or with trusted freinds. who dont carry weird energies that pop up and act out undealt with shadow things,. coming into soul knowing. so much more wonderfull. than getting drunk and smoking.. and even socializing.. from my perspective and experience, consciousness is enough.. certainly. not easy, but enough.. the more one becomes conscious the more one sees the crutches we use,for what they really are. just quit smoking. because i wanted to breathe instead.. in my opinion god is in the breath... its been four days. and i know i can do this. deepak your amazing. and have helped me. so much. throughout the years.. thankyou from my heart.. good luck to all.. msm

  3. STAR MD

    really like this topic.. i myself. have struggled. with keeping my equalibrium. in bars and parties and such. actually taking on some of the energies.. not good especially when drinking myself, which i prefer to do now minimally. but allways alone to keep myself safe.. or with trusted freinds. who dont carry weird energies that pop up and act out undealt with shadow things,. coming into soul knowing. so much more wonderfull. than getting drunk and smoking.. and even socializing.. from my perspective and experience, consciousness is enough.. certainly. not easy, but enough.. the more one becomes conscious the more one sees the crutches we use,for what they really are. just quit smoking. because i wanted to breathe instead.. in my opinion god is in the breath... its been four days. and i know i can do this. deepak your amazing. and have helped me. so much. throughout the years.. thankyou from my heart.. good luck to all.. msm

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