February 19, 2016

Paradise Lost.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I reached enlightenment 2 years ago. During that time I was basically in solitude and rarely went out. But nowadays I am busy and even though I spend more time meditating, I cannot return to that original state of nirvana. When I meditate what usually happens is that after about 1 hour, I reach this place were my mind becomes clear without much thoughts coming to my awareness. These thoughts come in the form of images rather than words. But that’s where it stays. I feel peaceful and all but I know that I am not there yet. I still couldn’t go to that state I used to go. Seems like I have hit a road block. What should I do?


I realize that it is difficult to describe in words the actual state of self-realization, and even using words like nirvana and enlightenment is problematic since people have very different experiences behind the use of these labels. So let’s put aside the issue of enlightenment and approach your question as a case of feeling like you can’t get back to the depth of stillness of mind you had two years ago when you were more solitary.

Instead of trying of believing you need to recreate a past experience, recognize that your changed state is itself an indication of growth. You haven’t been stopped by a road block, the force of spiritual evolution is moving you forward all the time, even if that progress at times is focused on healing or clearing the way for more growth.  Don’t judge your present meditation experience as inferior or inadequate. It is providing the precise experience you need at this time for your spiritual evolution. I once heard a wise teacher respond to a question about being nostalgic for and hoping to recreate a past state of evolution. He said, “the past is always a lesser state of evolution than the present.” Outer circumstances may look less favorable or less comfortable, but the force of evolution is forever moving consciousness toward greater awakening and expansion.



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  1. Agi Jean

    Wonderful answer & loved loved loved the quote you shared..."I [Deepak] once heard a wise teacher respond to a question about being nostalgic for and hoping to recreate a past state of evolution. He said, 'the past is always a lesser state of evolution than the present'." Thank You Deepak!

  2. Agi Jean

    Wonderful answer & loved loved loved the quote you shared..."I [Deepak] once heard a wise teacher respond to a question about being nostalgic for and hoping to recreate a past state of evolution. He said, 'the past is always a lesser state of evolution than the present'." Thank You Deepak!

  3. Agi Jean

    Wonderful answer & loved loved loved the quote you shared..."I [Deepak] once heard a wise teacher respond to a question about being nostalgic for and hoping to recreate a past state of evolution. He said, 'the past is always a lesser state of evolution than the present'." Thank You Deepak!

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