October 29, 2018



When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


I am so overwhelmed with spiritual growing.  I have no formal religious background.  Where do I start?  I believe in a spiritual entity.  And that we are all connected.  I believe there was a man named Jesus that walked the face of the earth and was given information from god.  I do not worship Jesus like Christians religions.  I do not believe in an entity called the devil.  I do not believe my Great Spirit would create such a thing.


You don’t need a religious background to embark on this journey. It might even be an advantage not to have one. Your spiritual growth need not be an overwhelming experience. In fact, I would encourage you to take a light-hearted approach to your spiritual practice.

At this point, don’t worry about trying to understand arcane theological positions on God and the devil. Your simple focus should be on knowing your own true nature. This is the essence of spirituality, –know thyself. A simple meditation practice will reacquaint you with your core being, and from that basic experience, you will be led unerringly on your way to all the knowledge, guidance, and further experiences you need on your spiritual quest.



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    I agree with Deepak. You need to become more aware and believing that you already have the answers within you. This can be developed by practicing bringing yourself back to that place that resonates to you as your place of peace, and freedom. And if you are not sure, it is best to not let your feelings dictate who you are or where you are in your growth. instead allow the feelings and thoughts to enter into your here and now, and practice a releasing word or phrase that is uniquely yours. I use the practice of bringing myself back to Awareness, Presence and having Positive Giving Intentions. I even throughout the day use those words as a mantra. And the motivating factor I see for myself and many others is the resulting transformations that occur in a short period of time. You can contact me at: http://www.theholisticenergyhealinginstitute.com Peace, Love and Freedom. Ronnie Figueroa


    I agree with Deepak. You need to become more aware and believing that you already have the answers within you. This can be developed by practicing bringing yourself back to that place that resonates to you as your place of peace, and freedom. And if you are not sure, it is best to not let your feelings dictate who you are or where you are in your growth. instead allow the feelings and thoughts to enter into your here and now, and practice a releasing word or phrase that is uniquely yours. I use the practice of bringing myself back to Awareness, Presence and having Positive Giving Intentions. I even throughout the day use those words as a mantra. And the motivating factor I see for myself and many others is the resulting transformations that occur in a short period of time. You can contact me at: http://www.theholisticenergyhealinginstitute.com Peace, Love and Freedom. Ronnie Figueroa


    Hi, I feel that being overwhelmed at times is a key component to life. It is needed in order to overcome it. The best way I found to get on track with yourself is to find a meditation practice that is uniquely yours and connect with a like-minded group, without taking on too much of the personality of the group, but instead maintaining your truer authenticity in the midst of everything. The group can offer comfort, and the practice can offer a tool that will enable to you heal quickly with lasting results. It's all about practicing Awareness, Presence and Positive Loving Intention. And as you grow into this most simple yet difficult for our conditioned minds to accept, you need to not look so much for results, but instead be your authentic self in the midst of it all. You can find out more about my concepts at: http://www.theholisticenergyhealinginstitute.com

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