July 22, 2018

Out of the Body.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


When I was a very young child, I frequently experienced myself leaving my body, flying above looking at my body, my family, my neighborhood and then past lives. I experienced an enormous sense of love and wellbeing. Was this my consciousness at play?


 Yes, it was your consciousness at play after it experienced some relaxation of tension or contraction in the body that allowed an opening and expansion of awareness. In that opening, there was also a deep understanding of your true self beyond the space of your body, the boundaries of time, and this small individuality.



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  1. Anna Raoul

    thank you for sharing

  2. Anna Raoul

    thank you for sharing

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February 22, 2016

Out of the Body.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Hi Deepak,

I have been meditating for four months. I have been listening to the mantra through headphones instead of doing by myself. Is that okay to do this way? I am having some experiences: I feel vibrations at night even during my sleep. I read something on google where it talks about “out of body experience.” I am so afraid to going in deep meditation. I really don’t want to go out from my body. Is there any way I can get rid of this thinking?

many thanks


Listening to a mantra throughout your meditation with headphones is not the ideal way to meditate. It makes meditation a passive process. It’s important that you bring up the mantra as a thought from the silence of your own awareness rather than only hearing it as an audible sound. Only when you think the mantra yourself can you experience the emerging thought-vibration of the mantra in its subtlest, most universal form.

 Being out of the body just means your focus of awareness is not in your physical sensations, but in your mental awareness. Every night when you go to sleep you are having an out of body experience. Even during the day when you are lost in thought or in an emotion, you are predominantly out of your body. Out of the body experiences are commonplace. They have developed a kind of reputation as a quasi-spiritual experience in cases where there is an experience of the sharp contrast between the inert body and the observing mind. These cases have sometimes been reported in near death experiences. Anyway, this is nothing you need to worry about. Meditation, followed with normal daily activity will only strengthen your mind-body connection, and your   mental and physical health.



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  1. Danuta Szymanski

  2. Danuta Szymanski

  3. Danuta Szymanski

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