September 27, 2022
Ask Deepak

One Thing at a Time.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Hi Deepak, I have recently been diagnosed with adult ADHA, I’m 22 years old. I’ve noticed my whole life, and so have others around me, that I am only able to do one thing at a time, anything more than that I get stressed out and frustrated. However, I am able to do that one thing completely and get so absorbed that I am unaware of my surroundings, It use to allow me to excel at things I really enjoyed growing up but it also caused me a lot of problems in life too. My question is, when I meditate it seems like a meditation in itself to just close my eyes, I can get completely absorbed and it seems the moment I close my eyes meditation is already happening on its own. Anything like focusing on the breath or using a mantra seems like I’m splitting my attention drastically. But because I am just closing my eyes, at the same time I don’t feel like I am doing anything, which I know is what meditation is but it seems like so many people in the world need something to focus on or use to reach a meditative state I’ve always thought why I would be different?. Could this just be my way of meditating and should I stick with it?


Without a mantra or attention on the breath, thoughts will tend to drift on the surface of the mind, instead of periodically diving down to experience their source. It may seem like you are meditating when you simply close your eyes, but that is only because of the contrast of the mind’s activity with compared with its activity when the eyes are open. When you are meditating correctly, you have only one thing to do – easily think the mantra – so you should be able to meditate with a mantra. 



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