March 10, 2014

Moving On.


When your mind and heart are truly open abundance will flow to you effortlessly and easily.


Dear Sir, I am 29 years old female. I was in a relationship with my childhood friend…we have known each other for 15 years and we had been dating for 11 years. Everyone around us knew one day we will be getting married, including myself. We shared trust, respect, unconditional acceptance of each other and even after 11 years we are inseparably connected. He had been a huge influence in my life, he allowed me to love my self and always be myself. I admire his personality, core values and how good of human being he is. However, a big setback has left us both in pain and grief. Due to some reasons important from his family's perspective, he cannot marry me, yet he refuses to let go of me. However, I broke up with him two years ago because I wanted him to move on in his life if he could not marry me. He should accept it, let go and accept his own decision. I was angry at first and then I was in denial. I never believed it will actually end like this and then I was grieving it for about two years. Now, I have come to peace with it, I am not angry and neither in pain. I shared very respectful, pure and eternal connection with this soul and I am grateful that Life gave me such beautiful experience. But I feel I am not ready to move on to allow someone else to come in that place in my life. I am 29 and Indian, so the pressure of marriage is overwhelmingly haunting me from all directions. Where ever I go, whomever I meet, everyone tells me I should not delay it further. My ex has also not moved on yet. Sometimes I feel maybe it's a sign and maybe he will come back in my life, other times I feel he wants me to get married first so he moves on without that burden of leaving me behind (although I don't blame him or have anything against him). I don't know what I should do.


I assume this longtime boyfriend is also about 30 years old. That is an age at which a man should have matured into an adult and learned to take action for himself. If after two years since his family disapproved of his marrying you, he is still unable to take a stand on his own or make an adult decision, then you should not put your life on hold. The hard truth is that if marrying you was the most important thing in his life, he would either convince his family to welcome you or find a way to respectfully go ahead marrying you and let them accept it in time. Be grateful for your time together and move on. Find someone who you can build a loving relationship with and who is ready to be an adult partner in your life now. You deserve a future with love and joy.


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  1. Nancy Sim

    It's not easy being an Indian , whose culture demands we obey our parents' decision abt marriage. If his parents start to threaten to disown him or worse stuff, then it's not a matter of him being man enough to fight for you. Marriage is always abt two families coming together. If they can't accept you, it's best you move on.

  2. Modiv Coach

    brilliant response! perfect.

  3. Rebecca Leavitt

    This is wise advice.

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